what's your signature style?

Who Do You Want to Be?

Are you searching for your signature style? There are a few ways of identifying it. Before you move on with the activity in this post, make sure you’ve read: Asking the Question to find your style statement and What’s Your Signature Style. The next question in our search for your signature style is: Who do…

Are You Looking After Yourself?

Sponsored by Nuffnang Recently I took up yoga again. The first time I lay down for the meditation and just let myself relax I nearly burst into tears. I realised that I hadn’t been looking after myself very well. As a single mother of two primary school aged kids who play musical instruments, take dance…

Interesting Things About Colour

Colour surrounds us, and we a coloured experience is much more impactful on us than a black/white/grey experience. We make buying decisions based on colour. Here are just a few interesting infographics and informational pieces on colour. Picture Source Men and Women label colours differently. Men tend to go for simpler names, and group more…

My Makeup Essentials

Eyeshadow base or primer – $25 If you’re like me and find that eyeshadow just ends up in the crease of your eyelid a few hours after you put it on, you want some eyeshadow base/primer. I no longer would even bother putting on eyeshadow without the primer first. It keeps my eyes looking fresh…