Belated 4th Blogiversary

After 885 posts and around 400 polyvore sets, over 3.6 million page views and thousands of comments I’m belatedly celebrating my 4th blog birthday and just wanted to say to all my lovely readers just how grateful I am to you all for reading and commenting and supporting me. I always love to hear from…

Imogen on 7 News

I was called up by a journalist on 7 News, one of the local TV stations in Melbourne on Tuesday and asked to comment on one of our local high street fashion retailers increasing their clothing sizing to a size 16. Given that according to CHOICE the average Australian woman is a size 16 (Australian),…

K is for Knickers - Imogen Lamport's A-Z of Style - foundation garments

K is for Knickers

Today I’m talking knickers, well, not just knickers, but all foundation garments. Like building a house, if the foundations aren’t solid, the house won’t be stable, your underwear has a huge effect on your overall look and how great you will look. Let’s start from the top! Bras Studies show that around 70% of women…