Imogen on 7 News

I was called up by a journalist on 7 News, one of the local TV stations in Melbourne on Tuesday and asked to comment on one of our local high street fashion retailers increasing their clothing sizing to a size 16. Given that according to CHOICE the average Australian woman is a size 16 (Australian),…

K is for Knickers - Imogen Lamport's A-Z of Style - foundation garments

K is for Knickers

Today I’m talking knickers, well, not just knickers, but all foundation garments. Like building a house, if the foundations aren’t solid, the house won’t be stable, your underwear has a huge effect on your overall look and how great you will look. Let’s start from the top! Bras Studies show that around 70% of women…

Who Suits a Pixie Haircut?

    Anne Hathaway is currently sporting a pixie crop hairstyle and on the right features it looks gorgeous. Having spent some time studying those women who rock it I’ve come up with a few pointers on the features you need to make it work. According to John Frieda, hairdresser to the stars, a measurement…

I is for Imagination - Imogen Lamport's A-Z of style

I is for Imagination

Many of us, over time, lose our creativity. Or, we don’t appreciate that we are creative because we’re not creative in the ‘arts’ field – can’t paint or sculpt, write music or poetry. So we think “I’m not creative” and then proceed to go through our lives with that belief. Over the years I’ve been…