Coming to America

Today I’m off to America to Des Moines where the Association of Image Consultants International HQ is located for our annual board strategic planning meeting. On Friday I’m off to San Francisco for a long weekend as it’s one of those places I’ve always wanted to visit and it’s kind of on the way back…

L is for Legs - Imogen Lamport's A-Z of Style - how to flatter your legs

L is for Legs

Legs One of the great body parts – they move us around and we should appreciate them. They may be longer or shorter proportionally and so it’s good to know what yours are so you can make better decisions regarding lengths of skirts and dresses. Want to know how to make your legs look longer?…

Belated 4th Blogiversary

After 885 posts and around 400 polyvore sets, over 3.6 million page views and thousands of comments I’m belatedly celebrating my 4th blog birthday and just wanted to say to all my lovely readers just how grateful I am to you all for reading and commenting and supporting me. I always love to hear from…