Body Image Survey

Nine out of 10 Australian women have regular “fat days” and most are miserable about their bodies, a survey has found. The survey, conducted by two Melbourne universities, paints a bleak picture of women who don’t like seeing their reflection in the mirror. More than two-thirds of women feel uncomfortable looking at themselves naked in…

Do I keep it or chuck it?

I was just over at Cosmo’s blog reading some back posts, and she mentioned she’ d moved and not unpacked some boxes of clothes for months.  She was wondering, if she hadn’t missed the clothes, should she just chuck it all out? With that in mind, here is my quick, 3 questions to ask yourself…

Peach Jacket 5 Ways

Jane from Work that Wardrobe (and boy does she work it hard) was given (don’t worry, she didn’t buy it)  a pale peach jacket, it’s a Chanel style tweed, and similar colour to this jacket.  She asked me what she should wear it with colourwise, so I’ve put together a layout of 5 outfits in…