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New to Inside Out Style?
It's the encyclopedia of colour and style
Inside Out Style is the ultimate resource demystifying the art and science of style since 2008.
You will find the information and inspiration to up your style game and the tools and resources to help you do this in a way that is authentic to you.
Not sure where to start? Find out what’s available here by clicking the button below!

Crack the code to choosing your outfit in less than 10 minutes a day with
Discover Your Secret Recipe To Putting Stylish Outfits Together with Our New Outfit Masterclass
Hi, I'm Imogen Lamport
I help intelligent women achieve the wardrobe of their dreams so that they can express on the outside how they feel on the inside.
I’m known for my insightful expertise and my passion is empowering you to define and refine your personal style.
I know that defining your personal style is the easiest way to have a wardrobe full of clothes you love to wear!
Discover how even though I wasn’t born with style, I’ve become a globally award-winning Image Professional who has created a world-leading personal colour analysis system, personal stylist training programs and everything that you read here on this encyclopedia of colour and style.
Let me help you build a wardrobe of clothes you adore… one that allows you to choose outfits confidently knowing you’ll look fabulous every day.
Hi, I'm Imogen Lamport
I help intelligent women achieve the wardrobe of their dreams so that they can express on the outside how they feel on the inside.
I’m known for my insightful expertise and my passion is empowering you to define and refine your personal style.
I know that defining your personal style is the easiest way to have a wardrobe full of clothes you love to wear!
Discover how even though I wasn’t born with style, I’ve become a globally award-winning Image Professional who has created a world-leading personal colour analysis system, personal stylist training programs and everything that you read here on this encyclopedia of colour and style.
Let me help you build a wardrobe of clothes you adore… one that allows you to choose outfits confidently knowing you’ll look fabulous every day.
Hi, I'm Imogen Lamport
I help intelligent women achieve the wardrobe of their dreams so that they can express on the outside how they feel on the inside.
I’m known for my insightful expertise and my passion is empowering you to define and refine your personal style.
I know that defining your personal style is the easiest way to have a wardrobe full of clothes you love to wear!

Discover how even though I wasn’t born with style, I’ve become a globally award-winning Image Professional who has created a world-leading personal colour analysis system, personal stylist training programs and everything that you read here on this encyclopedia of colour and style.
Let me help you build a wardrobe of clothes you adore… one that allows you to choose outfits confidently knowing you’ll look fabulous every day.

Fast Track Your Style with 7 Steps to Style
Your style has stagnated...
As a busy woman putting your family, friends and work first so much of the time, your style has gotten lost and now you’re not sure what to wear anymore.
Anytime you have to get dressed from the daily outfit that shows off your true professionalism at work, to that opportunity to stand up and be noticed, you worry that you just don’t have your look together and you feel self-conscious and that you’re not putting your best foot forward.
You know that you wear impacts on how you feel.
You want to transform your style and feel confident and stylish every single day.

Fast Track Your Style with 7 Steps to Style
Your style has stagnated...
As a busy woman putting your family, friends and work first so much of the time, your style has gotten lost and now you’re not sure what to wear anymore.
Anytime you have to get dressed from the daily outfit that shows off your true professionalism at work, to that opportunity to stand up and be noticed, you worry that you just don’t have your look together and you feel self-conscious and that you’re not putting your best foot forward.
You know that you wear impacts on how you feel.
You want to transform your style and feel confident and stylish every single day.

Want to start improving your wardrobe right away?
Become educated about your style with tips nobody ever taught you delivered directly to your inbox weekly
Sign up now and receive free my ebook Your 5 Step Formula for a Fabulous Wardrobe and start your style journey!
Want to start improving your wardrobe right away?
Become educated about your style with tips nobody ever taught you delivered directly to your inbox weekly
Sign up now and receive free my ebook Your 5 Step Formula for a Fabulous Wardrobe and start your style journey!
Flatter Your Figure
Discover tips and tricks to dress for your shape
Click on the shape below to take you to our directory of shape-related posts so you learn how to flatter your figure!
Flatter Your Figure
Discover tips and tricks to dress for your shape
Click on the shape below to take you to our directory of shape-related posts so you learn how to flatter your figure!
Flatter Your Figure
Discover tips and tricks to dress for your shape
Click on the shape below to take you to our directory of shape-related posts so you learn how to flatter your figure!

Take the challenge and
Evolve Your Style
The 31 day style challenge that will change your life and style forever
Take the challenge and
Evolve Your Style
The 31 day style challenge that will change your life and style forever