what's your signature style?

Who Do You Want to Be?

Are you searching for your signature style? There are a few ways of identifying it. Before you move on with the activity in this post, make sure you’ve read: Asking the Question to find your style statement and What’s Your Signature Style. The next question in our search for your signature style is: Who do…

Are You Looking After Yourself?

Sponsored by Nuffnang Recently I took up yoga again. The first time I lay down for the meditation and just let myself relax I nearly burst into tears. I realised that I hadn’t been looking after myself very well. As a single mother of two primary school aged kids who play musical instruments, take dance…

Interesting Things About Colour

Colour surrounds us, and we a coloured experience is much more impactful on us than a black/white/grey experience. We make buying decisions based on colour. Here are just a few interesting infographics and informational pieces on colour. Picture Source Men and Women label colours differently. Men tend to go for simpler names, and group more…