Victoria Beckham
Hello Imogen! I am a big fan of your blog. I have been thinking about the recent posts that you made about femininity (different ways of expressing it and the general stigma that feminine way of dressing carries) and even though it appeals to me a great deal, something was not clicking. It made sense for me when I saw pictures of Victoria Beckham, because she manages to look feminine AND powerful AND confident. I am not sure how to adapt her look though, at least part of it seem that she is wearing powerful “masculine” colors (black & grey), but what the rest of us, warm-skinned people are to do? From your blog we know the importance of color and I am just not sure how to recreate the look. Can you please comment on that
Yes it’s easier to look powerful in cool colours like black and grey. But there are also warm greys and warm colours like dark khaki, deep aubergine and some browns that via their depth alone will give you the power.
Also, the other element you’ll notice with Victoria Beckhams dressing is that she dresses in structured clothing, which also gives you power.

But to remain feminine, her clothes are not boxy, they are always fitted to her female shape.
Keep fabrics to solids or stripes or fine checks to maintain the masculine feel.

A smile might help with the femininity. Lately Victoria Beckham looks utterly thin and drawn. I think the effort for years to stay beautiful, fashionable and desirable (add powerful) has sapped her beauty. In pics of her when she was first engaged she is very beautiful. Sad really.