L is for Legs - Imogen Lamport's A-Z of Style - how to flatter your legs

L is for Legs

Legs One of the great body parts – they move us around and we should appreciate them. They may be longer or shorter proportionally and so it’s good to know what yours are so you can make better decisions regarding lengths of skirts and dresses. Want to know how to make your legs look longer?…

K is for Knickers - Imogen Lamport's A-Z of Style - foundation garments

K is for Knickers

Today I’m talking knickers, well, not just knickers, but all foundation garments. Like building a house, if the foundations aren’t solid, the house won’t be stable, your underwear has a huge effect on your overall look and how great you will look. Let’s start from the top! Bras Studies show that around 70% of women…
