Bring who you really are to your outward appearance interview with Imogen Lamport

Bring Who You Really Are to Your Outward Appearance Interview with Imogen Lamport

There are so many different aspects to style and why it matters – watch the interview with Linda of the BeTru2You podcast and Youtube channel Our wardrobe is not only a determinant of our outer self but of our inner self as well. It expresses our character and personality, in turn, boosts our confidence.…


What to Wear in Summer When You Have Dark Value Colouring

Reader Question: You have posts and information on light values wanting to wear dark colours to appear more authority from authoritative and professional. What are your suggestions for dark value girls who want to lighten up to look more in tune with summer and appear more feminine and approachable? Summer can be a tricky time…

Inside Out Style Best Colour and Figure Flattery Posts of 2022

Inside Out Style Best Colour and Figure Flattery Posts of 2022

Want a quick snapshot of the best posts of 2022 here on Inside Out Style?  Then you’ve come to the right place!   In this post I’m sharing some of my best colour and body shape figure flattery advice from the past year.   Come Alive with Colour How to Layer in Winter (or Any Season) Using…
