RIch warm colour palette works with this pattern even though there is some cool pink in it because there is predominantly more warm colours

Struggling with Mixed-Colour Patterns? Here’s How to Choose Right Ones for Your Colour Palette

Have you ever stood in front of your wardrobe, puzzled by a garment that combines both warm and cool colours? You’re not alone. This can be particularly challenging when the pattern includes colours like blue and orange or blue and yellow. Here’s a guide to help you navigate these tricky combinations and ensure that your…

Real life style tips for post-mastectomy dressing

Real Life Style Tips for Post Mastectomy Dressing

Post-mastectomy dressing can be tricky as women’s clothing is made to fit a curvier body shape.  One of my fabulous 7 Steps to Style readers, Kelly, who has had a double mastectomy offered to share her tips on what she’s found has helped her style and the garments she’s found most flattering when you have…
