More colour and style questions answered by Imogen Lamport

Your Colour and Style Questions Answered on Video: 14

In This Video 0.10am Can you explain how you determine clear vs muted colouring? 7.23 Can a colour or neutral be neither warm nor cool? 9.30 I have 20 signature colours – how do I determine the best ones? Personal Colour Analysis Understanding Colour Systems and Personal Colour Analysis Personal Colour Analysis Training Universal…

the style puzzle - style Q&A

Your Colour and Style Questions Answered on Video: 13 – Fit Issues, Online Shopping, Uniform Dressing, Changing Hair Colour, Proportional Dressing

Your Questions Answered in this video: 0.15 Why do all my waistbands roll down? What can I do about it? 5.10 Can you chat about Uniform dressing? I’m thinking it could be useful 12.04 How can I tell if a shoulder seam needs to be right on the shoulders or dropped? Fit Issues How to…

your colour and style questions answered

Your Colour and Style Questions Answered on Video 10

What are you colour and style questions? I’m here to answer them LIVE on my Inside Out Style Blog Facebook Page – come join me and get your questions answered. Now, sit back and enjoy the answers to these colour and style questions… In this video If you don’t want to match shoes to hair…
