How do you make a choice about the very best neutrals for you?
You can choose black because that is freely available in every clothing store around the world. That’s the easy way …. but it’s definitely not necessarily the best way for you, nor will it potentially be your most flattering choice.
In fact, black has visual weight (it has a heavier feeling than any other colour) and so it may not be your most slimming (contrary to popular belief).
Black reflects shadows, so gives you double chins, under-eye bags and highlights every line and wrinkle. So it may not be your most youthful colour either.
Eeek Imogen! I hear you cry. What are my options now that black is not my best friend?

What to choose instead?
The best way to choose your most flattering neutrals is to look at your own colouring and use the colours that are innate in you.
Start with Your Hair
Choosing neutrals that are contained in your hair colour is the easiest way to select flattering ones that will work well with you.
Which neutrals to choose? Try Hair Enhancers
Choose a hair enhancer – this is a colour that is very similar to your hair colour.

The black is too cool, dark, and harsh on Kate, so much that she appears to be a head floating on top of the black jumper. The browns harmonise so well with her hair and make her look amazing and a whole person!
So if you have black or very dark brown hair, black, may be a good neutral, but if you have a mid-brown or lighter coloured hair – then black is not so great for you. Try brown instead, one that is similar in value (darkness) to your hair.

Here is another brunette example – Priyanka Chopra has very dark hair and eyes and looks so much better in the deep navy and black outfit on the right than the lighter grey outfit (even though it’s a gorgeous suit it doesn’t harmonize with her colouring)
Got red hair? Think cognac or a burnished brown.
Got blonde hair? Then you’re looking for a beige or white that most closely matches your hair.
Got grey hair? Then, of course, there will be greys that are your hair enhancers.
Try Hair Intensifiers
Another option is to choose an intensifier colour to your hair. This is a colour that intensifies your hair colour – makes it look bolder.
Brown hair is intensified by navy blue.
Red hair is intensified by your deep dark khaki greens.
Neither grey or blonde have intensifiers just because of where they are on the colour wheel (or off it).
Still, not to worry, there are other places you can select great neutrals to flatter you from!
Work with Your Eyes
Just as you looked for both enhancers and intensifiers for hair neutrals – you can do exactly the same thing for finding your best eye-enhancing or intensifying neutrals.
Brown eyes – browns of course, but look closely – maybe yours have some other neutrals in them as well that you can play with. Enhancers for brown – try navy or sometimes a dark green.
Blue eyes – navy is your go-to neutral – it will always make your eyes pop. Enhancers for blue can be greys or browns.
Green eyes – whatever shade of green they are, look for dark or muted versions of your eye colours – from the warm khaki greens to the deep forest greens depending on your eyes. Your enhancers are deep dark burgundy shades.
Hazel – your eyes have multiple neutralish colours in them – so go for whichever beige, browns and greens make them pop.
Simple as That
It’s not too complex when you think about it in these terms!
Which neutrals will you build your wardrobe around?
More Tips on Choosing Neutrals

Selecting neutrals, my greatest fear whilst growing my white/gray natural hair after coloring forty+ years. A green eyed, Spicy pallet, I’ve never worn gray in my life! Yikes!
Spicy girls don’t have pearly “white” teeth or shiny bright whites in their eyes like beautiful Winters. It’s only been four months since my last color, not enough growth to determine how much white versus gray I’m going to have. Glancing at my wardrobe makes me realize the majority of my clothing is quite dark. Phew! Thanks for helping me think ahead, Imogen. More will be revealed!
a faithful fan,
Hey Imogen!
I really appreciate all the information and knowledge that you share with all your readers. I have been following your blog for some time now, and find the content really detailed and helpful. However, as an Indian with jet black hair and eyes, and brown skin, I at times cannot find information that I can directly apply to myself. Do you think you could do a special post covering these? I would be very glad to have your insights on it, if you have the time for it.
Many thanks for all the very helpful pieces of information that you put up on the blog.
Hi Shivani
I try to include Indian colouring in some of my colour posts and it is as varied in colours to caucasian skin! So I know that it may not be the same as yours.
here are some links: https://insideoutstyleblog.com/2014/11/real-life-examples-of-dressing-to-your-contrast.html
As far as neutrals go – you are covered here in this post – brown or blacks and navy!
Well my hair is dark brown and seemly the darkest shade of it. I though look washed out and sickly when I wear black near my face. White also is very unflattering on me. My hair also has reddish highlights and is starting to grey. My eyes are dark brown with a golden highlight. My skin is ivory peach with a gold undertone. My neutrals of choice are brown, beige, navy, and gold.
Thanks! Will look them up 🙂
Hi Imogen,
Very informative article. That you!