Essentials You Need to Know About How The Size and Density of a Print Impacts on its Value Contrast

3 Essentials You Need to Know About How The Size and Density of a Print Impacts on its Value Contrast

Dear Imogen, I am a big fan of your contrast series. I had never known about this concept before, and often kept myself wondering why some particular outfit felt off to me – but couldn’t quite put my finger on it. It all really boiled down to contrast levels! I am amazed that so few…


Brilliant Tricks of the Clothing Magician – How to Highlight and Camouflage for Figure Flattery

When you’re thinking about how to flatter your body and enhance it in a way that makes you happy, there are a few ‘tricks of the trade’ that make it easier to decide what to wear (and what to avoid when you’re shopping so you don’t keep making expensive mistakes). How does the magician create…
