How to identify your body shape?
One of the questions I get asked the most is “what’s my body shape?”
I get emails daily from people wanting to know their shape which is why I have developed my free Body Shape Calculator Quiz.
It’s a simple test to help you discover which of the 7 most common body shapes you may be. There are no measurements required (as measurements are not a reliable indicator of body shape as a circumference doesn’t tell you how your shape is distributed).
Before you do the quiz, take a snap of yourself, straight on into the mirror wearing tight fitting leggings and tank or tee) or in your underwear if you like, you’re not about to show this photo to anyone!). Arms by your side, but not resting on or in front of your thighs.
Make sure the photo is square to the camera, you want to see the silhouette of your body easily. For some extra tips read my post on Body Shapes – Defining Points and Understanding The Waist.
Using this photo as your guide, take the Body Shape Calculator Quiz and when you’re done, download your free Body Shape Bible which will give you the guidelines you need to dress your shape to flatter it.
Remember, when you’re answering the questions the three defining points are:
- Shoulders
- Waist
- Hips
Your bust is not part of this equation, it’s a body variation.
Some people may find they are a combination of two shapes and this is definitely possible. You may have an upper body shape that varies from your lower body. The common combinations are V shoulders with X shape, A shoulders with 8 Hips. If you are one, then grab the details for each and dress each element of your body from the guidelines that are relevant to it.
Don’t forget that body shape is just one small element of the whole style puzzle. But it’s a great place to start if you’re really not sure what suits your shape.
Once you’ve figured out your body shape you will know where to add detail and interest to your outfit, where to keep boring, plain and free of detail. You will discover in your Body Shape Bible where to add vertical lines to lengthen and slim your body, and where to add horizontal details to highlight or balance your figure. You will learn the science behind dressing your shape and some of the best shapes and styles that will work to enhance your figure.

Hello, Imogen
I just found your blog while desperately looking for something to help me dress better and I have been reading your blog posts for days already learning a lot. I gave up on shopping a long time ago, I don’t like my body and trying to buy clothes is an agony to me which always makes me feel ugly and depressed so I use whatever I find comfy mostly big tops and black leggings, I want to change and try once again to dress the best I can.
According to the quiz, I am an O shape with straight waist and big protruding belly. My height is 5’4, my bust is 38C or 40C, and my arms are short and skinny, I have a round face and my neck is non-existent.
Following your recommendations, I should wear tops in solid darker colors which I don’t mind I like dark colors but does it have to be like that always? I also love color and patterns, different styles like edgy, bohemian, traditional clothing but I always get attracted to colorful tops. Should I stop wearing this style or do you have any other tip on how I can incorporate this into my outfit?
Look for slimming prints https://insideoutstyleblog.com/2013/06/how-to-pick-a-slimming-print.html and you can happily wear them on your top half
I took the quiz, which determined I’m an “8” (even though my shoulders are virtually non-existent?). What really makes it difficult for me is that I’m VERY short-and high-waisted. Basically, my body is no shoulders, a large bust sitting atop large hips, though I do curve in at the waist, and I have very long legs, even though I’m only 5’4″. Hard to picture? Any suggestions?
Hi Carol,
Treat your shoulders like an A shape (narrow shoulders) wear large scale jewellery to visually minimise your bust, and your lower body as the 8 shape. You may not want to belt as it will highlight your very short waist, but you want to ensure that tops are fitted rather than baggy which will just make your upper body look like an apple and you will lose your waist.
I love your blog! Just found it and have been enjoying all of the posts. But I have a problem: I can’t get the body shape calculator quiz to work—it won’t allow me to move past the first question; it’s as if it freezes up or something. 🙁
Thanks we are figuring out the coding fix now!
I love your blog. I Think I have red almost almost all the post the last couple of weeks. I love your scientific approach. I have taken the Body shape quiz, but cannot decide whether I am H or V-shaped. My shoulders are a little broader than my hips, but I have a bit of “saddlebags”. Shall I measure in comparison to hips or thighs?
If they are only just wider Lene, I’d go with H over V – a V shape has a significantly wider shoulder than hips/thighs. Hope this helps.
I am a V shape but think I answered questions for H shape.
Thanks a lot so helpful
I can’t load the body shape calculator! And I’d really like to! I have referred many people to you blog. I find it very fascinating. Wish I could take some of your courses. This sort of work is a passion of mine. I am from a culture where, mostly, we sew our own dresses. I place modesty a bit above science, and I know some of my dresses are not as flattering as they could be. But to make them as flattering as I can under the circumstances is a fun challenge!
Thanks for letting us know – all fixed now!
Hi I’m really stuck with this. So I am 5’1, my bra size is a 42 d, my waist is a bit define, but then I have love handles and straight hips that are aligned and my shoulders too. I have a small butt but I don’t go in like a inverted triangle. If you need a picture I’ll send one. Thank you
Hi Tyana – I do body shape analysis in a style consultation or as part of my 7 STeps to Style program if you’re after my professional opinion. https://insideoutstyleblog.com/7-steps-to-style-system-2
Thank you, but I have everything else figured out out as far as my style, skin tone, hair, makeup, etc. It’s only my body shape that I’m trying to find a solution for lol