When I started blogging 8 years ago I wanted to do it as I needed to create a marketing stream for my image consulting business, to help establish me as a credible source of information and to help find a global audience who would be interested in investing in my first ebook.
As an introvert, I’m not the world’s best networker. I like talking to one or two people at a time. I don’t feel comfortable in groups (particularly when I don’t know the group of people well) and tend to become silent. I’m also not great at small talk and find that kind of networking event chatter hard work.
Blogging has been a great way for me to connect with people. Introverts still like people (in fact I love them), I just like to talk to one person at a time most of the time (unless I’m getting up and teaching or speaking to a group – now that’s a different story altogether and I do love sharing what I’ve learned with an audience).

Creating this blog and spending time getting to know my commenters and those who become clients as well as the wonderful women in my Evolve Your Style and 7 Steps to Style programs is something I love and adore.
In many ways, even though many people read my blog, when they connect with me it’s on a very personal level. I’ve been sent more photos of women in their underwear asking me about their body shapes than I could ever imagine. The trust these women show me by sending me these pics is something that I feel honoured to have gained (and it’s because of this constant demand for advice on body shape that I created both my free Body Shape Calculator quiz as well as my 7 Steps to Style program) as I just don’t have the time to write new content and tell every woman her body shape (plus I do need to get paid for my professional opinion, otherwise I can’t create the free content you all enjoy here on the blog).
Blogging has brought me global connection and friendships. Whenever and wherever I travel to I get to meet fabulous women who read Inside Out Style. These women are amazing, fascinating and gorgeous and I’m so lucky that writing my blog has brought them into my life.
It’s also brought me travel experiences and other blogging friends. I’ve enjoyed many live shows and other events thanks to my blogging agency Nuffnang.
I try to connect with other bloggers and share their styles through my Stylish Thoughts blog posts as I know that my view is only one small view of the style and fashion world.
Blogging may be an occupation that as me sitting by myself in front of a computer screen for long periods of time (as this blog is a monster that keeps demanding to be fed with new material), but for me, the best, and most unexpected benefit has been the connection with my readers who comment and make the effort when I’m around to come and meet up.
I now spend more time blogging and doing related activities than anything else and I love it. It’s changed the way I run my image consulting (personal styling) business. It’s made me more creative as I’m constantly thinking about ways to explain colour and style concepts. It has made me a much better image consultant as to explain an idea you have to understand it properly yourself. Blogging has brought me amazing personal colour analysis and personal styling students from around the globe who I’ve gotten to know both through my online training program as well as in the classroom. These women have been amazing and constantly push me to improve myself, create new tools and trainings so that I can help them achieve their dreams.
Blogging has opened doors, put me on stages, and helped me view my business in a global way.
I feel truly blessed to still be blogging 8 years since I started. To have you find my content useful and engaging. For you to share it with your networks of colleagues, friends and family. For you to keep coming back to read post after post. This motivates me day after day to keep finding and writing content. To answer your questions and to create new style programs to help you truly shine.
When I get an email or comment, a testimonial or feedback about how the information provided here or from one of my programs has changed your life in a positive way, it really makes my day and keeps me excited about what I do, as I know that style is more than skin deep. I know, from what you tell me, that finding your style, honing your style and expressing yourself through your style can be positively life-changing.
So here is a little happy birthday celebration to Inside Out Style which has truly changed my world!

Thanks so much for everything you do Imogen, you’re certainly enhancing my life! I have found you to be a wonderful fount of information that is presented in a real way, rather than as airy-fairy ideas. The way you link the various elements which interrelate to improve the presentation of my true self to the world is invaluable and incomparable.
Thanks Alison – And I’m glad that you’re finding the right information for you here!
I completely agree with Alison! I have found the information so helpful. As a 30-year old professional woman the content is super-relevant, and has helped me create a wardrobe (for work and weekends!) that is versatile and looks good on me without breaking the bank. Imogen, keep doing what you do!
Thanks Amanda – I’m glad that you’ve got the wardrobe sorted and that you feel great. That’s all I want for my readers!
Imogen…glad you found this path as your blog, EYS and 7 Steps program has enriched my life with friends from all over the world…along with a lot of style knowledge. The encouragement and advice I have received has launched me in new and different directions. Although your blog has a wide reach, you have always answered my questions in a personal way that made me feel as if I was in a private conversation. I also enjoyed meeting up with you when you came to Chicago…perhaps…I will come to Melbourne in the not-too-distant future. XXX
It was a true joy for me to meet you in Chicago a couple of years ago! I love how the programs have created such amazing communities from around the globe.
Happy Anniversary, Imogen! I hope someday to visit and meet you in person!
Hi Imogen
I love your blog. It is informative, lively and down to earth. How to look and feel good and have fun with our appearance. I share your articles with friends & family. Thank you for all the time & thought you put into it.
Thanks for sharing Mary and I’m really glad you find it so useful!
Happy anniversary and congrats on such a wonderful, informative blog. It’s a resource I come back to time and time again.
Thanks so much Debra to keep on coming by day after day!
Happy anniversary Imogen, what a great achievement and the best bit is you love it, happy weekend.
Imogen, you have earned my trust by sharing intimate details from your own life from your experience of breast reduction surgery to your thought processes of getting dressed in the morning or how you shop. I’m so grateful you’ve taken the steps you have to market yourself or I never would have found you! And I have benefited immensely from learning the principles you teach and implementing them with support from the worldwide online community you created for this purpose. Thank you for enriching my life through your work!
Happy blogging birthday, Imogen! I’m so glad that the Blog has been positive for you and your invaluable work. It has changed the way I approach clothes, style and shopping: it’s not disappointing anymore, but enjoyable and fun. Hope you do a great celebration! Congratulations on your eighth year!
Congrats, Imogen. I think your blog, the creativity, thoughtfulness and caring you bring to all your on-line activities is awesome.
Happy Anniversary Imogen! There are so many blogs out there but I think yours really shines as its is very apparent how much of your time, energy, and caring is put into it. Congratulations and thank you!
So looking forward to catching up with you again, Imogen in my favourite place in the world, Melbourne. Love the blog!
I really enjoy reading your blog posts Imogen, and get a great deal out of them. Thank you for all your hard work.
I also love having my colour swatch, since my colour consult. It makes shopping soooo much easier!
People worry about a colour swatch making it more restrictive – yet I believe it’s actually more freeing! thanks for reading and commenting.
Happy 8th blogaversary Imogen! I’ve been reading for probably the last six years I think, and you really do provide valuable, useful content unlike anything else I’ve found on the net really. My mum and I did a colour consultation with you a couple of years ago and it was wonderful also. So thank you, and keep up the great work!
Thanks so much Gervy and I’m glad that you’ve found so much value here!
Last week, an unknown person made a compliment about my outfit. I “only” weared a skirt, a top, a jacket and shoes… Bot nothing in common with my outfit of some years ago.
Thank you for your blog Imogen, and happy birthday!
I love hearing that you’re getting compliments from strangers. makes my day!
Happy Birthday! And thank you for all you share… You have been a gift to me.
Thanks so much Liz, and I’m glad that you are finding the information you want and need here!
Happy anniversary, Imogen! I’m so glad that I stumbled across your blog a few years ago – I’ve been enjoying it ever since! I’ve enjoyed sharing in your own personal transformation, from your weight loss to your breast surgery, to your hair color change. Your openness & honesty has encouraged countless women! You’ve also helped me figure out how to dress to suit my shape, which is slim, small busted, with little waist definition. “Pre-Imogen,” I knew when something did or didn’t look good on me, I just didn’t quite know why. Your guidelines have made shopping (something I detest) a lot less painful! You also were responsible for an “Aha” moment for me a few years ago. I’ve always been drawn to the styles in the maternity department & never could figure out why. After thinking about my body shape I realized it’s because many of those styles are empire waist or have bust or neckline detailing. (Don’t worry, I’m not shopping in the maternity department – but I know what to look for now!) 🙂
Thanks so much Joyce! And the maternity department can be a great resource for O shapes too! I love hearing about Aha moments! Thanks for reading. Im x
Happy 8th Anniversary Birthday. I’ve been reading for a while and love the content. I get a funny sense of pride when I see one of your illustrations from a post I’ve read pop up on Pintrest.
Aww thanks Donna! Feel free to share them on Pinterest!
Congrats on your 8 years Imogen – it is always enriching to read your posts.
Thanks Lorena!
Happy Anniversary Imogen.I found you by noticing that on Pinterest you are the most pinned person and blog. I am in the process of being a very happy Evolver and you have changed my whole style thought process and have an uncanny knack of blogging something that I just had a problem with.Thanks again for all your time and fabulous programs you have created.
thanks Lindi! I’m glad you’re enjoying Evolve Your Style and really appreciate your comment. Do let me know if you have a problem – as I’m always looking for blog topics!
Happy Anniversary from one of your long-time readers! I love sending people your way.
Thanks Vix! It’s lovely to have such long time readers still around.
A belated happy anniversary. I love your blog. I have looked at a few and you are far and away the most consistent and informative. I love the way that you connect everything together. Keep up the fantastic work!
Thanks so much Gina!
Thank you Imogen for your great blog and creative ideas. Congratulations! 🙂
So glad to have you here! I think your content is the most useful for developing good personal style that I know of.
Thanks so much Lisa! I try and make it applicable to more women than less so that those of us who are not tall, skinny and model like can still dress with style.