Understanding how your personality influences your colour choices - the Elegant Chic or Sportive personality style

Colour Personality – 6. Elegant Chic – Sportive

And finally to no. 6 from the colour personality quiz, the Elegant Chic and sportive style. Elegant Chic Colours This style is more mature and refined than any other. Classy and traditional though not overlybusinesslike, you always look polished and put-together. It’s not so high contrast and bold as the Dramatic. It’s brighter than the…

7 Steps to Style - online personal style program by expert internatinonally award winning image consultant Imogen Lamport

7 Steps to Style System

Join before the end of the webinar and get these SPECIAL BONUSES! HIT THAT LIFE STAGE WHERE YOU’VE LOST YOUR SENSE OF STYLE? Or you feel like you never really had a sense of style? The answer to your wardrobe woes and closet chaos is here! It’s time to transform your life as you elevate…