In This Video
0.08 What is your view on wearing blouses or tops that are longer than the sweater or jacket over the top? Doesn’t it draw attention to the hips?
2.05 – With a high value contrast with dark hair, how can I wear a light coloured turtleneck top and create the right ideal dark value in my portrait area?
3.48 Can you advise the best clothes to wear for a strong athletic body or any body that finds it hard to find clothing to fit?
Where to End Tops

Create Your High Value Contrast Outfits
The Value of Value Contrast and Using it to Create Stunning Outfits
Wear Stylish Clothes Based on Your Body Shape
In This Video
0.08 I struggle to find clothes that make me feel confident and stylish – I am natural romantic with classic influences and work in a corporate environment and wear suits all the time. My struggle is how to be feminine but still professional at work, and then comfortable and stylish at home?
3.34 How do you figure out if you’re warm or cool? I’ve been told I’m a summer and a warm autumn?
10.09 Why do people think white isn’t good on them? If you make people wear white when draping them, doesn’t it mean it’s good for everyone?
How to Create a Stylish Outfit
How to Create Dramatic Outfits When Your Most Flattering Colours are Soft and Smoky
Understanding Your Colour Analysis
9 Ways Knowing Your Best Colours Will Change Your Life as Well as Your Wardrobe
5 Colour Concept Essentials You Need to Understand To Create Harmonious Outfits
How Often Should You Re-Evaluate Your Style Recipe and Colour Palette
Wearing Your White

Hi Imogen, I have a question:
I have dark ash pixie cut hair, pale blue/pink/violet skin and muted mid blue eyes. I am quite petite. Life has taught me that my natural grey hair colour and pale colours totally drain me. Therefore I wear colours that are dark, cool and muted. HOWEVER, because I’m fair I have freckles. I’m aware of how freckles work with pattern choice etc. My Question:
If I am cool, how do my freckles affect my colour palette? Thanks
PS: So glad Victoria’s back out there again. Here’s hoping we’re over this horrid thing!!