K is for Knickers - Imogen Lamport's A-Z of Style - foundation garments

K is for Knickers

Today I’m talking knickers, well, not just knickers, but all foundation garments. Like building a house, if the foundations aren’t solid, the house won’t be stable, your underwear has a huge effect on your overall look and how great you will look. Let’s start from the top! Bras Studies show that around 70% of women…

D is for Denim - Imogen Lamport's A-Z of Style - how to choose and wear denim

D is for Denim

Denim is a staple in most wardrobes, and rightly so. It has many uses, is a hard-wearing fabric, and can be dressed up or down (to a certain extent). As far as cost per wear goes, most people get the maximum value from their favourite jeans. How to Choose Denim Garments (including Jeans) Fabric drape…