It’s Frocktober!

Today is 1 October and that means that I commence my annual challenge to wear a frock every day for the month! Why you ask? Well to raise money for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation who are trying to find an early detection test for Ovarian Cancer. Did you know that one woman dies every…

Put it On Your Priority List

While I’ve been recovering from my recent operation, I was fortunate enough to have the time to read The Priority List: A Teacher’s Final Quest to Discover Life’s Greatest Lessons . As someone who teaches (I train people who want to be image and colour consultants and personal stylists), I enjoy reading about people who are…

Have an Attitude of Gratitude

Tomorrow is the First of April. This marks the start of Grateful in April, a month-long campaign which encourages people to actively seek out the good in their lives. Research (University of California) has found that counting your blessings is an integral part of health, happiness and well-being. Experiments have shown that those who kept…

See the Light

Light is a super important part of my job. Having the right lighting allows me to see colours clearly, which is essential for doing a colour analysis, as without light, there is no colour! In my studio I have 12 lights in the ceiling. They make for a bright enough light when it’s darker, but…