Today is 1 October and that means that I commence my annual challenge to wear a frock every day for the month! Why you ask? Well to raise money for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation who are trying to find an early detection test for Ovarian Cancer.
Did you know that one woman dies every 10 hours from Ovarian Cancer in Australia alone – and we don’t even have a test to detect it (let alone a cure yet). Early detection gives you the best chance of a cure, yet your pap smear will NOT tell you if you have it! Survival rates are not good when it’s detected late and yet Ovarian Cancer research gets hardly any funding! We need to change this fact.
As you know I’ve lost a fantastic friend and family member to ovarian cancer, and I’d hate to think the next person struck down by this silent killer could be you, me or anyone!

Pleasedonate here to help me raise money. Even small amounts help the cause!
Retailers and Designers -Want me to wear one of your frocks and promote it on social media? Well I will, for a donation! (Contact me to arrange this)
Not only can you donate directly, but I’m also donating 10% of everything you buy through Verily when you use the link here!
I’ve been asked to be an ambassador of the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation this year so I’ll be working hard to spread the message and would love it if you’d help me! I will be posting pics on my Facebook and Instagram accounts and would love it if you’d help spread the word. Please donate because it’s something that could make a huge difference to your life, as well as your sisters, mother, aunts, friends and all the women of the world.

Oh dear! How did I get to a place that I only have 2 dresses! I will be cheering from the sidelines! And am inspired to add a few more dresses to my wardrobe!