In this Video
0.08 How do I clean out my closet? I’ve had a lifestyle change which means what I used to wear is not now what I need.
8.15 A shape with a large bust – how can I style a Chanel style jacket
9.32 How do I find clothes that I love in stores, I get so frustrated shopping as there is nothing out there for me, I don’t want to look old-lady!
Closet Cleanout
Discover The Average Lifespan of Clothes and What You Keep Longest Even Though You Don’t Wear It

Take a style challenge to help you figure out what to keep and what to get let go of in your wardrobe
Large Bust and A Shape
Shopping Tips
In this Video
0.08 I’m wanting to build a capsule wardrobe – how do I go about choosing a palette to work with?
6.38 – How to distinguish a warm from a cool blue?
10.50 – Large bust with small facial features – how do I upscale my jewellery without overwhelming my facial features?
Capsule Wardrobes
Undertone of Blue
How to Upscale Jewellery

Here is an example of a necklace made from many small beads that is large scale in its overall size.
How to UpScale your Jewellery Without it Overwhelming Your Features
In This Video
0.08 What colour topper to wear with a teal dress?
4.20 Should I dye my hair platinum blonde as I notice that it works better on zoom meetings? Is this Covid Restrictions time a good one to update and experiment?
9.21 Velvet and velour – please can you give me the pros and cons of them?
What Goes with Teal
What to Wear on a Zoom Call
Choosing Fabrics to Flatter
If You’d Like to Define Your Style and Discover Your Colours
If you’re sick of wasting money on clothes that don’t work and you know there is a better way, then join my 7 Steps to Style program and get the right information for you and your style.
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