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Start Your Style Journey Stuck in a style rut?  Want to wear more of your existing wardrobe?  Need to find a way to have a little style fun each day as you discover more about your style your likes and dislikes? Evolve Your Style is the perfect starting point on your style journey.  It will…

The Art of Seasonal Wardrobe Auditing: Embrace the Change

As the seasons transition, so should your wardrobe. Whether you’re in the northern hemisphere preparing for the cozy embrace of autumn or in the southern hemisphere, like Australia, eagerly stepping into the vibrant world of spring and summer, auditing your wardrobe is a ritual that can revitalize your style and declutter your life. We’ll explore…

Michelle’s 7 Steps to Style

  One of my greatest joys is seeing how powerful the work I do is.  The positive impact it has on women’s lives as they discover who they are and learn to express their style in an authentic way that makes them look fabulous and feel great. Here is Michelle’s story in her own words…

When You're in a Style Rut Because of Body Shape and Size Changes

What to Do When You’re in a Style Rut Because of Body Shape and Size Changes

Reader Question: “I‘m turning 40 this year though I still feel 30 I have an 18 month old baby and I just feel like my style is a huge mum rut since dropping my breastfeeding down to once a day I noticed the weight start to creep in around my tummy and I’ve always been…