Draw attention to your face using focal points by glasses and jewellery

Redirecting Focus: Clever Ways to Embrace Your Style Confidently

Have you ever stood in front of your closet, staring at your reflection, wondering how to cleverly draw attention away from those areas you’d prefer to camouflage? We’ve all been there! In a world where self-confidence is your best accessory, embracing your unique features is essential. So, how can you effortlessly redirect focus and elevate…

Peach Jacket 5 Ways

Jane from Work that Wardrobe (and boy does she work it hard) was given (don’t worry, she didn’t buy it)  a pale peach jacket, it’s a Chanel style tweed, and similar colour to this jacket.  She asked me what she should wear it with colourwise, so I’ve put together a layout of 5 outfits in…