In This Video
0.08 I love ALL colors, but having too many clothes in my closet is overwhelming and then I don’t even go in, how do I create outfit formulas using colour palettes?
Understanding Colour Properties and Putting Outfits Together
11 Real Life Examples of Dressing to Your Contrast
5 Colour Concept Essentials You Need to Understand To Create Harmonious Outfits
7.32 I’m very frustrated and have been for years trying to figure out my colors. I have been draped a spring, a soft autumn etc. But I have trouble with many of those colors. I don’t seem to look good in any of the yellows or oranges. It’s very frustrating. Anyway, I have settled on grayed soft light colors and charcoal. Which don’t supposedly go on redheads although I’m 65 and mostly white/ivory with a sprinkling of red now.
Discover Your Colours
How Do You Figure Out If You’ve Got a Warm or Cool Skin Undertone?
Getting Your Head Around Value and Contrast – the Celebrity Version
10.44 For a few years now I have participated in a FB group Wardrobe Challenge. I have done the Pinterest collection to find my style, made graphs to determine my lifestyle wardrobe needs and done my closet clean out. What I have not been able to do is put together outfits from my remaining clothes (not much left). In addition, I have recently put on some weight. I have had trouble shopping for a number of years now and even when I was at/near my goal weight/% body fat because I have been doing CrossFit for ten years. My upper arms have always been larger and now are larger from working out, my upper legs as well. So, fitting sleeved shirts and sadly jackets/Blazers are a huge challenge. Also, getting pants to fit my thighs definitely means the waist has to be altered
I don’t want to go shopping for these I also would like to buy clothes that are of decent quality at a reasonable price but don’t know what stores to go to in order to meet my needs for fit, quality and price.
If you are a genie today, can you help me?
Shop Smart, Shop Second-Hand: Your Guide to Second Hand September