Youth Body Image Study

Youth Body Image Study

Body image concerns among Australian youth have increased despite government and industry efforts to reverse the worrying trend, a new survey shows. Nearly a third of young people say body image is their top personal issue, ahead of bullying, alcohol, drugs and even crime, according to the largest annual survey of Australian youth, aged 11…

The Secret to Staying Young

Exercise Taking regular exercise helps you to stay physically healthier and mentally sharper into old age, four studies published in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed on Monday. Here are some of the studies: One of the studies found that women who exercised more during middle age – defined as an average age of 60…

Body Image Report

  The Australian government recently received a body image report that advises on all manner of aspects to help build a better body image. The report encourages advertisers, the media and the fashion industry to promote more positive body image messages. The report includes a Voluntary Industry Code of Conduct on Body Image (see below) which…

Real Life Makeover

As part of the recent AICI conference in Sydney, I was asked to ‘makeover’ two women.    Straight makeovers are not something I generally do, the way I work is in educating the client on what works for them and empowering them to make the changes themselves.  It’s more of an evolving than a making over, as…