How to Accessorize – Jewellery
Today Jill Chivers of My Year Without Clothes Shopping and I discuss how to use accessories to change your look in this short video
Today Jill Chivers of My Year Without Clothes Shopping and I discuss how to use accessories to change your look in this short video
Our first Stylish Thoughts post for 2012 comes from Oregon USA based blogger Betsy of She Found Style What is the secret to great style? I’m not sure if I’m qualified to answer this question but… My secret to TRYING to get great style? Is pushing myself out of my comfort zone. Trying new things…
DetailsToday our video covers how to manage and work with retail sales people to get the best outcomes for you when you’re out shopping for clothes. Plus Jill Chivers of My Year without Clothes Shopping and I share tips on other pitfalls to avoid when shopping.
Rather than creating a list of New Year’s resolutions which I’m likely to break (and it’ll depress me) I decided instead to choose a couple of words to use and guide me this year in what I want to achieve and as inspiration. The words I’ve chosen are Balance and Growth. As a single mother,…
DetailsMaybe she’s born looking this amazing? Or maybe not … just love this video – watch it through to the end.
Yesterday I spent the day boating up from Tutukaka to Whangaruru Harbour where we slept the night. Then we got off the boat and drove up to Russell in the Bay of Islands where we’re staying for the night before we head back to Hamilton. Russell has some delights- a gorgeous harbour. and it’s also…
DetailsI arrived into New Zealand on my holiday early on the 31st December, spent a little time in Warkwiorth before driving up to Mangawhai where I spent New Years Eve with the lovely Jan, her husband Warren and some of their friends. We’ve then come up to Whangarei before boating up to the Bay of…
DetailsToday is my final Dressember wrap – after spending 31 days in a dress what have I discovered? On cold days I miss my jeans. You tend to always look a little more ‘dressed up’ in a dress. I have less washing – one garment not two, what a bonus that is! There are a…
DetailsMost Tuesday’s in 2011 I’ve been fortunate enough to have a Stylish Thoughts post to share with you, and many people have told me that they are one of their favourite posts as they love learning about other’s thoughts on style. So, I’m looking for bloggers who would like to share their Stylish Thoughts here…
DetailsWhat is your favourite colour? Why do you love it? I have two favourite colours at present – one is hot pink – it’s happy and vibrant, exciting, fun and feminine but strong. Then I also love Apple Green – which is fresh and new, while still calm. It is about growth and…
DetailsMerry Christmas, Hannukah or Festive Season, whatever your beliefs I hope you have an excellent holiday season. Australia pretty much shuts down for the next couple of weeks, and at the end of the week I’m off to visit the lovely Jan Fisher in New Zealand and will be spending part of my time on…
DetailsToday Jill Chivers of My Year Without Clothes Shopping and I discuss shopping tips and techniques to make sure the shopping you do is a positive experience and you don’t waste money on clothes that don’t work for you, that you don’t need or a just not right for you. Watch this short video on…
DetailsMany of you may already know Kasmira of What I Wore 2Day – but if you don’t you’re in for a real treat as Kasmira shows that money doesn’t buy you style. Kasmira is based in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA and writes the fabulous blog What I Wore 2Day What is the secret to great style?…
DetailsAre you a conscious shopper? Not sure? Do you plan your shopping, making sure that what you choose is really going to add something usable and valuable to your wardrobe? Or do you go out shopping without really thinking about what you need? Jill Chivers of My Year Without Clothes Shopping and I got together…
DetailsHi Imogen. I’d like to ask you about a certain style that has been around for quite awhile now. Being a tall H I’m glad I don’t have to tuck in my blouses. I’m from the tucked in generation (in my 50’s) and I keep on seeing jackets that end way above the hem of…
DetailsAndrea – Fox in Flats Fox in Flats – otherwise known as Andrea – is our latest Stylish Thoughts contributor. She’s a Sydney, Australia based blogger who shares her tips, ideas and inspiration to make it much, much easier to Navigate Motherhood in Style. What is the secret to great style? Being yourself, having fun,…
DetailsI got a comment on the weekend from one of my lovely readers asking about my hair and how it gets so smooth, so I thought I’d share a few pics and a video on how I do my hair as it doesn’t start out quite so nice! Excuse the terrible bathroom lighting! So…
DetailsFollowing on from last weeks video on how to measure your body proportions. Here is a short video that shows you a couple of ways to use the Golden Mean (golden ratio, Fibonacci series) to dress in a proportioned manner that is flattering. The golden mean is a ratio that appears in nature and we…
DetailsWhat is a style recipe? It’s the ingredients that go into making up your unique style. It’s also known as a style statement too and I want to help you determine your style recipe by sharing with you some simple steps to work through. Why should it matter? What I’ve discovered over the years of…
DetailsOne of the benefits of blogging is the ability to peek into someone else’s wardrobe plus peek into their style philosophy and today I’m really happy to introduce you to Tennessee USA based blogger Megan Mae of Megan Mae Daily who share her Stylish Thoughts. What is the secret to great style? Know what you…
DetailsFollowing on from my video on how to measure your body proportions yesterday, I want to share with you more ways to flatter your proportions. Here are some posts I’ve written about some of the more common proportional issues. 8 Top Tips to Dressing a Short Waist Short Legs, Long Rise How to Define Your…