In This Video
0.09 I’ m having trouble working out how my wardrobe needs to change, heading towards planned retirement. I”m Still struggling to reduce the size of my wardrobe. Particularly knowing whether it’s really worth keeping the items that only get worn once in a blue moon.
5.23 I feel that I do not fit in and have had people comment on my relaxed style being not feminine and being told that I should wear more dresses and consider wearing makeup. I have short hair and I am considered to be weird and strange as I love the outdoors, watersports and rugby.
6.50 How to make summer clothes look more seasonal
How to Become Stylish When Retired

Dressing Your Personality
How to Combine Colours That Will Express Your Unique Personality
How to Create a Versatile Wardrobe
Back to Basics – The Top 6 Essential Supporting Acts for Your Wardrobe
What is Trans-Seasonal Dressing and How to Use it to Get More Mileage From Your Wardrobe
In This Video
0.09 Can you reinforce for me the difference between cool and warm greens. I know olive is warm but it is those greens that are somewhat sage and those that are mint greens that confuse me.
4.20 I would love to know how to stay stylish and warm in a cold office? I feel my style is ruined as everything nice I wear leaves me cold and I have to always wear a big cardigan. My other issue is that I am slim but often get bloated so what looks good in the morning has me wanting to cover up by evening. Any hacks for this other than more cardigans?
8.25 I don’t know how to put things on that are actually flattering. I need clothes that are comfortable and practical as I live on a farm, but when I do go out and want to look more stylish when I see pics of myself I can’t believe I went out looking like that.
More about Green
Office Outfit Ideas
Style Education
How to Combine Colours That Will Express Your Unique Personality

I have gotten rid of several things in the last month deciding that I was not going to force myself to wear certain things: I have enough to wear that does make me feel good!