Shift Happens: 15 Style Tips For Menopause and Perimenopausal Changes

Shift Happens: 15 Style Tips For Menopause and Perimenopausal Changes

Menopause which is the cessation of menstruation (and Perimenopause, which is the period before that often lasts for around 10 years) are something I knew very little about until I started going through them, and even then there were a bunch of strange symptoms that have happened to me over the past 15 years that…

How to find your style at any age - particuarly after retirement

Finding Your Style at Any Age: A Guide to Dressing Sharp and Feeling Confident

As we journey through life, our bodies and circumstances change, and sometimes so does our sense of style. I recently had the privilege of hearing from a woman who shared her story of struggle and transformation.  A retired former administrator found herself facing the daunting task of rediscovering her style after battling breast cancer and…

Chaos to Confidence: 4 Steps to Mastering Your Personal Style

Picture this: you’re a multitasking woman, managing both your family and your career. You stand before your overflowing wardrobe, feeling overwhelmed by choices, and think, “I have nothing to wear that’s comfortable and suitable for work and play.” This scenario resonates with many women who find themselves pulled in multiple directions. It’s not just about…

Mixing levels of refinement to create a smart casual outfit

How to Look Smart Without Being Too Formal or Feeling Overdressed

Have you ever faced the dilemma of wanting to look smart and put-together without crossing the line into overly formal territory? It’s a common concern, and striking the right balance can make all the difference in how you present yourself. So, how do you master the art of looking polished and stylish without feeling like…

The Art of Seasonal Wardrobe Auditing: Embrace the Change

As the seasons transition, so should your wardrobe. Whether you’re in the northern hemisphere preparing for the cozy embrace of autumn or in the southern hemisphere, like Australia, eagerly stepping into the vibrant world of spring and summer, auditing your wardrobe is a ritual that can revitalize your style and declutter your life. We’ll explore…