Today is Inside Out Style (and my as the author’s) 15th Blogiversary (not sure if that’s officially a word yet). It’s hard to believe it’s been 15 years since I started and I thought to celebrate not only am I offering 15% off my online programs and masterclasses (find out more below).
Here’s just some of what I’ve learned and shared over the past 15 years and are 15 top tips that you’ll find really make a difference and help you elevate your wardrobe and style.
If you’re ready to embark on a journey that will not only transform your wardrobe but also boost your confidence and embrace your uniqueness and if you’re tired of settling for the “it’ll do” pieces and feeling restricted by unrealistic style standards, you’re in the right place.

In this guide, we’ll tackle everything from understanding your body’s needs to navigating online shopping like a pro. We’ll challenge the so-called ‘must-have’ lists and redefine what it means to truly own your style.
But before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a moment to celebrate you – your uniqueness, your individuality, and the fact that you’re here, ready to embrace a world of style that’s as dynamic as you are.
1. Go Through Your Wardrobe Once a Season and Get Rid of the It’ll Do
Check for stains, holes, pilling, and wear, particularly with the clothes you wear all the time. Often we hold onto something because it’s comfortable or we just haven’t found a replacement. Decide if it can be fixed or if it’s time to let go.
Is the garment getting dated? Is it time to let it go?
If you think it’s “just okay” or “it’ll do” this is NOT what you want in your wardrobe – it’s time to look for replacements and let those garments go because they never make you look or feel fabulous or stylish.
2. Let Go of the Idea of Your Goal Size or Weight
Instead of focusing on a particular size or weight which you want to attain, or feeling back because your body is not like it used to be, instead focus on how you can be your best right now, just as you are today. When you are putting off finding your style until you hit a goal weight or size, you’re putting off life. Your style has the ability to help you have more confidence, self-esteem, and courage, don’t you want that today? You have value at whatever size you are, so don’t be misguided and think that there is no point in spending money on your style until you are a certain size or weight. This is faulty thinking and holding you back from sharing your brilliance with the world.
3. Let Go of the Idea of Perfect
Perfection doesn’t exist if you’re a human, which I’m assuming you are as according to my Google Analytics, I get more readers from Earth than aliens from space.
If your inner perfectionist is holding you back or making you feel stressed, settle for your best today, Tomorrow your best may be even better, but don’t get hung up on the idea of perfection. Because perfection is an illusion, nobody is it, no one style is perfect, and it’s completely unattainable. When you read about how monochromatic outfits are the only stylish ones, or you have to match shoes and handbags, or any other kind of rule, take this at face value and as opinion, never fact, because for you this may not be true. Plus the world would be a pretty boring place if there was only one style that was “perfect” and everyone had to be a clone!
Learning about style is just that, it’s a skill, you need an education – and there is a lot to it (believe me, I’ve been at this a long time and I’m still learning). So don’t feel bad, instead be proud that you are taking some time to learn and improve.
Just be you and keep a growth mindset so you can keep improving as you learn more.
4. Caring About Your Style Isn’t Shallow
You may have grown up with messages that style is shallow, or caring about what you wear or how you look is vain and a sin. But really style is a form of self-care and research shows that self-care is important for your mental health. And research shows that when you feel more confident (which so many women tell me they do when they start figuring out their style) you have higher self-esteem. What’s not to love about that?
5. Stop Deflecting Compliments
It’s like looking a gift horse in the mouth.
When someone gives you a compliment, accept is graciously as a gift. Savor it and internalize it.
We take any minor criticism (or what we perceive as criticism) as fact and the truth and believe it is a problem, yet compliments we bat away or diminish with “this old thing” or “no it’s just the lighting in here”.
Why not resolve for the next month to say a gracious “thank you” to every compliment you receive, and actually start to believe they are true.
6. Let Go of Your Limiting Beliefs
Maybe you have a self-limiting belief that YOU could never be seen as stylish, or you can’t be stylish if you’re over a certain age, or not a particular size (I think we’ve covered that one above). When you limit yourself you’re limiting the opportunities you say yes to. Do you know what’s interesting about research into “lucky people”? It’s that they say yes to opportunities, they strike up conversations with others, they actually leave the house and do things rather than stay home because they don’t have the right thing to wear.
7. Never Point Out Your Perceived Flaws
You are perfect just as you are. Nothing about you is a flaw, everything is an asset.
Never point out to others what you perceive as your flaws, because most people wouldn’t even notice them without you drawing attention to them, and then that’s all they may see (or they think you’re crazy because you’re not seeing the wonderful, beautiful, gorgeous person they’re seeing).
8. Stop Believing That You Need To Have Anything on a Must-Have List
Those lists are made to sell garments, not because you need them. They are about making money.
Just because something looks great on someone else, doesn’t mean you need it in your wardrobe, or that you’ll be styleless without it.
Assess everything you’re considering purchasing with your Style Recipe in mind, and your own personalized style guidelines of what does and doesn’t work for you at hand (if you don’t have these, then my 7 Steps to Style is there to walk you through the process to get this nailed).
If something fits your list, sure buy it. But if it doesn’t, please don’t waste your time, energy or money on it.
9. Fill Your Wardrobe with Clothes that Work in Harmony with Your Body, Your Colouring and Your Personality and Your Lifestyle
Learn which colours make you shine from the inside out. Discover which silhouettes, shapes and styles are in harmony with your unique body shape, proportions and variations. Understand what is you and what isn’t (it’s that feeling you get when you’re in a changing room and you try something on and think” This isn’t me”. Learn what IS you so that it becomes easy to make choices when shopping.
Your wardrobe needs to be full of clothes that work for your lifestyle, the one you have today, rather than a previous life when you worked somewhere different, or you lived in a different climate, or for the person you were 10 years ago but are no longer today.
The key to getting dressed quickly, easily, and stylishly each day is having a wardrobe that works for the woman you are today.
10. Figure Out Your Style Essentials
There are a bunch of things you need to know that really impact your style – for example – do you run hot or cold? Seriously this question is so important to know as it will impact on every clothing and style choice you make. From whether or not you want a sleeve that is longer than 3/4 or if you’re happy to wear a necklace in the summertime, or if you need lots of garments that easily layer over each other to keep you warm or if you don’t like to accessorise so you need built in interest and details in your garments. What really matters to you? What do you love wearing and what do you hate? What’s on your no-go list and what’s on your LOVE IT list? These are your style essentials and are personal to you. Another reason why those “must-have lists” should be avoided!
11. Get Your Grooming on Point
A great outfit is wonderful, but if you have a bed-head hairstyle then the whole look is let down.
If your outfit is crumpled and crushed, it says lazy and that you just don’t care (or maybe that you’ve never grown up).
If your shoes are scuffed you look untidy and sloppy.
Figure out your minimum for daily grooming and stick to it. Yes you can get up 5 minutes earlier as often that’s all you need to present a more together appearance to the world and take care of those little things that make all the difference to your style.
12. If It Says Work to You and You Resent it, It’s Clutter
Some garments need special care. From handwashing to dry cleaning and ironing. If you hate ironing, don’t buy linen if you don’t love sporting the crushed look. If you never wear a garment becuase you know it requires some sort of work, then let them go, they are creating clutter in your wardrobe. Let someone else who doesn’t mind the work, do the work and get the joy from the garment.
I see so many garments in wardrobes unworn because they mentally mean work to their owner. This is a waste of time, and space, so rather than holding on, let them go.
13. Notice the Styling on the Model When Buying Online
When you’re deciding whether to buy a garment online, check out how that model has been styled. Is the top tucked in? Will this mean if yoyu don’t tuck it it’ll look sloppy? So if you don’t have a defined waist body shape it may not work so well for you? So often we notice that the model looks great, but we don’t take notice of why, and how it’s styled, and if that styling works for our own shape and the way we like to dress. When you know what works for your body and the best ways to style garments to create body harmony and a gorgeous silhouette, it makes it easier to make great decisions when shopping for clothes.
14. Don’t Buy Anything That Doesn’t Go with At Least 4 Garments You Already Own
Unless you’re starting from complete scratch, don’t buy anything that can’t be immediately mixed and matched with other garments you already own.
This is how you’ll build a versatile wardrobe that’s great value for money and extend the wear of what you already have as you’ll be able to create new combinations with your new purchase.
This means don’t buy whole outfits that can’t be split up with each element worn with other pieces you already own.
A versatile wardrobe is in the desired list of around 99% of my clients (in their words) so it’s likely you’re the same.
15. Fit Matters
It really does!
Unless you’re a fit model, it’s unlikely that many clothes will fit you perfectly. Stretch in the fabric makes garments much easier to fit, but not everything will fit easily or well. You may find it almost impossible to find a pair of trousers that fits, and you are completely normal if this is you. This is because there are so many fit points in pants that make it hard to have them fit you. If you’ve never seen a model with bull-dog clips down the back of the outfit, you won’t realise that even they have to have things altered to make them look great.
Getting your garments altered so they fit well means they will feel more comfortable on and look better and more expensive. If it doesn’t fit, you often won’t wear it. So if you’re not prepared to get a garment altered, then don’t buy it to begin with.
You are What Matters Most
Remember, your wardrobe is like your own personal canvas, waiting for you to paint it with your unique style strokes. We’ve debunked the myth of ‘perfect’ and celebrated imperfections, because let’s face it, it’s the quirks that make us interesting.
So, are you ready to bid farewell to the ‘it’ll do’ items and welcome a fresh wave of confidence and style? Say goodbye to the goal size, and let’s embrace the fabulous you that you are right now. Stand tall, rock those compliments, and let your true beauty shine through.
Your style is yours and yours alone – no cookie-cutter formulas here. Whether it’s a splash of color or a classic monochrome, what matters most is that it feels like you.
As you venture into the world of fashion, keep in mind that the journey is ongoing. Your style will evolve just as you do, and that’s the beautiful part. Embrace the change, the growth, and the learning. After all, your style is an expression of your story, your confidence, and your spirit.
Let’s make a pact – no more hiding, no more ‘someday.’ From now on, every outfit is an opportunity to reveal the amazing you. So, are you ready to take on the world, one stylish step at a time? I believe in you!
Celebrating 15 Years of Inside Out Style
15% off my style programs – 7 Steps to Style, Evolve Your Style, Visualise Your Style and Ignite Your Style Genius
15% off my video masterclasses – colour, eyewear, hair and makeup, accessorising, creating outfits
Give yourself the gift of a style education and reap the benefits!
This offer is only available until 1 September 2023 – discount applied automatically at the checkout (no promo code required).

Love this, and congratulations! Your work has made a world of difference to me!
Congratulations on 15 years Imogen! I’ve been following you for a long time and have learned so much from you. Looking forward to what you have planned for the next 15 years. 🙂
Thank you for all your wonderful blogs! I’ve always liked the drawings included with many of your blogs; they really help to visualise your recommendations. You’ve really helped me to understand what looks best on my body shape and proportions. And your blog was one of the only ones that described the “bum shelf”!! Who knew my Mom was spot on all those many years ago?! All the best, Imogene.
Congratulations and thank you very much for your blog!
I have been following you for a long time and I think you do a very valuable job.
You are absolutely right when you say that we need to give up perfectionism. It only serves to paralyze creativity and lose opportunities.
You could talk about it in future posts…