Using your personality style to choose jewellery along with your defining features

Unleash Your Inner Sparkle: Find the Perfect Jewellery to Complement Your Personality and Features

In this third of our 3 part series on choosing jewellery to work with your personality, Carol Karl of Affordable Jewellery Supplies YouTube channel and I chat about how your defining features affect the jewellery you choose and how to choose flattering jewellery taking into account both your personality and facial features. Check out parts…

4 Expert Tips To Move Away From Wearing All Darks to Lighter Colours

Wearing black and dark neutrals has been considered sophisticated and chic for some decades.  It used to be that black was only worn by the grieving or for a classy night out in your little black dress (first created by Coco Chanel in the 1920s).  These days black has become the safest (and honestly, boring)…

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Inside Out Style – BLOG TERMS OF USE Welcome to Inside Out Style! This blog is owned and operated b Imogen Lamport ABN 28 040 858 041 and is available at: (Blog). These Blog Terms of Use (Terms) govern your use of my Blog and form a contract between you and I. Please read…