7 Steps to Style - online personal style program by expert internatinonally award winning image consultant Imogen Lamport

7 Steps to Style System

Join before the end of the webinar and get these SPECIAL BONUSES! HIT THAT LIFE STAGE WHERE YOU’VE LOST YOUR SENSE OF STYLE? Or you feel like you never really had a sense of style? The answer to your wardrobe woes and closet chaos is here! It’s time to transform your life as you elevate…

Level Up in Style Waitlist

TO THE EXPERT WHO KNOWS THAT HER IMAGE HAS IMPACT You need to show up looking like an expert to be seen as an expert because your image speaks for you before you’ve ever even said a word! What is your style currently saying about you? IT’S TIME TO LEVEL UP IN STYLEJoin Waitlist Give…

Level Up in Style

TO THE EXPERT WHO KNOWS THAT HER IMAGE HAS IMPACT You need to show up looking like an expert to be seen as an expert because your image speaks for you before you’ve ever even said a word! What is your style currently saying about you? IT’S TIME TO LEVEL UP IN STYLEJoin Now Give…

Is black the only slimming colour to wear

Are Dark Colours and Black the Only Colours to Wear to Look Slimmer?

Reader Question: I have light colouring so light colours work best. So what should you do when you’re overweight and feel that light colours make you look larger.  Black is the most slimming colour, isn’t it? Retailers sell lots of black because it’s easy as they’ll tell you “black goes with everything” (it doesn’t, it’s…

Compare Programs

Start Your Style Journey Stuck in a style rut?  Want to wear more of your existing wardrobe?  Need to find a way to have a little style fun each day as you discover more about your style your likes and dislikes? Evolve Your Style is the perfect starting point on your style journey.  It will…

How to find your style at any age - particuarly after retirement

Finding Your Style at Any Age: A Guide to Dressing Sharp and Feeling Confident

As we journey through life, our bodies and circumstances change, and sometimes so does our sense of style. I recently had the privilege of hearing from a woman who shared her story of struggle and transformation.  A retired former administrator found herself facing the daunting task of rediscovering her style after battling breast cancer and…