How do you know if your contrast is working?
If your outfit focal points are in the right places for you?
Or if you’re wearing your outfit, rather than your clothes wearing you?
There is a simple way to do it, and it takes, literally, 3 seconds!It’s called The Blink Test.

How to Do the Blink Test
Totally simple in just 4 steps:
- Stand in front of a mirror
- Close your eyes
- Clear your mind (do you smell popcorn?)
- Open your eyes and try to focus on your face – notice where your attention is drawn toin your outfit.
Is your attention drawn to your face or to a part of your body? Is there a balance between outfit and your face and features?
Is that good or not so great? As in – is it a part of your body you’re happy to have attention drawn to, or would you rather nobody noticed where your attention is being drawn?
Does the outfit look in harmony (your outfit is an extension of your natural features) or does it look at odds?
Consider all the elements of the style puzzle:
Here, for example, is Meghan Markle in two hats – you’ll notice that the one on the left grabs attention away from her face (yep you just want to look at her hat), whilst the one on the right is not drawing attention in the same way and feels in harmony with her face.
The colour of the outfit on the left is also less flattering (and is washing her out as it’s too cool for her warm colouring), whilst the one on the right feels at home.
Another example – let’s consider scale:
Proportion and scale of the collars of each of these coats. In the one on the left with the very large scale collar, her face and body look particularly petite and she appears engulfed in her coat, while in the coat on the right – she’s wearing the coat, rather than the coat wearing her.
Fashion models on the catwalk and in the pages of magazines are styled so that clothes are the focus – because that’s about selling clothing and making them the star. But for us, we want our clothing to be an extension of ourselves, our personality and look in harmony and balance with us – we are the stars rather than the clothing.
What if you have a more colourful or creative style? Here are some examples that show that you can still wear a fabulous and fun outfit – and yet you wear the clothing as it’s in harmony with you:
Samantha from Fake Fabulous (who you met here) has a high colour contrast and needs those colours to make her outfits look in harmony with her colouring.
Yesterday’s close-up. Isn’t this $1 shirt of black and gold stripes, and double sleeve cuffs just lovely? I like being able to wear cuff links with it. ❤ I am very pleased with the alteration. I removed an unattractive collar, the long warp-around ties, took it in to fit and added buttons to hold it together. The tie … pinched from Silver Fox. ❤ Am at Hollywood Hospital this morning for my PET CT. Let’s find out what’s going on with my lungs, shall we. Results next Monday when I see the specialist at Murdoch. ❤ Have a terrific new week! . . . . . #advancedstyle #ageisnotavariable #ageisjustanumber #ageless #agelessstyle #vintageladyvintagestyle #thefierce50 #styletribe #wearwhatmakesyouhappy #wearwhatyouwant #wearwhatilike #SpotMyStyle #RealStreetStyle #hatattack #chapeau #thriftedstyle #slowfashion #sustainablefashion #opshops #50plusstyle #50plusandfabulous #moreismore
Mrs Maya Plays (who you met here) works with her high colour contrast so well and her dramatic clothing matches her dramatic personality and makeup.
Another example of someone who dresses in a creative manner that reflects her style is Suzanne Dekyvere, a friend and colleague – her textured hair works with textured elements of her outfit and the colours harmonise with her colouring.
There is no need to opt for boring or bland if your style is more dramatic. It’s always about working with your natural features and enhancing them through your clothing and accessory choices.
Even if you prefer a more subtle style like Brenda Kinsel (who you can also read more about her approach to style here) – shows that when everything’s in balance – outfits don’t have to be boring or dull.
More Tips on Creating Stylish Outfits
How 3-5 Style Guidelines Are All You Need to Be Super Stylish
What Guidelines to Follow When Your Body Shape isn’t “Standard”

Color combinations is one of those style “rules” I tends to break as my style is more rebel-like and I tends to go with the makeup guidelines rather than fashion, so maybe that’s why I’ll never be convinced that a bright red dress will suddenly look less eye catching, if they have a clear and high color contrast. Despite having a bright but light colorings, all I see when I see clear colors are the brightness (one reason I can’t treat olive, navy and some browns as neutrals, I find an all over olive looks the same as a red top-to-toe outfit), which I love taking advantage of when accenting a more neutral outfit and always wear at least something in color as monochrome/achromatic looks wash me out. The Hat example, I actually find Meghan look more washed out in brown outfit because it’s too tonal, but that’s just me. ;-P
I still find color theory intriguing as If a bright color contrast person must wear all neutrals because it was required for an event – how would they do it without adding any bold colors? (not a question necessary, but a thought). I’m attending a funeral where I’m going for a black pant suit with subtle pine stripe vest and low pumps and plan to opt for pseudo-neutrals like nude (pale powder-beige is mine, I’ve warm pink undertone) blouse and rose-gold accessories as that’s the only idea I find worked. 😉
Wear a higher value contrast in neutrals
Love this blog and so agree with you. Will try the blink test and let you know. Suzi (Alternative Ageing) x