I’m delighted to be sharing the Stylish Thoughts of Samantha from Scotland who writes the blog Fake Fabulous
What is the secret of great style?
Great style is simple.

- Be true to yourself.
- Don’t dress to make others happy, or to fit in.
- Do your own thing and make yourself happy.
- If you believe a look will work, then it will!
What’s the secret of looking polished?
This question made me laugh! I never look polished.
There is always an un-done edge to my look, a slightly thrown together feel.
I feel stuffy and frumpy if I am preened to perfection.
Having said that, I do think that it is important to keep your eyebrows groomed and your nails tidy.
Cut the labels off scarves and sheer clothing, take the stickers off the bottom of your shoes (and keep your shoes clean), get your coats cleaned regularly (grubby cuffs are awful), polish your handbags…
Oh, and shave your legs all year round! Especially in tights….poking out hairs? Yuck!
What is your current obsession?
That is easy…coloured tights!
Wearing colour on your legs is addictive.
One minute I was considering if dark green was a little “too much” then, before I knew it I was reaching for the electric blue!
So simple, so much fun.
I would always buy the best coloured hosiery I can afford.
Cheap tights ruin the look of the leg.
What is the best piece of style wisdom you have ever received?
Don’t worry about what other people might think.
Your fashion choices don’t actually effect their lives, in any way.
Okay, they might do a double take…but is it not better to be looked over than overlooked? (my favourite quote)
And, if you are happy and smiling…the world is a better place for it!
The one piece of advice women need but don’t get?
You are Fabulous!
Every women has her beauty, she just needs to find it (or have a good friend to remind her about it!).
None of us are perfect, but be can make the most of what we have.
Don’t wait until you have “lost a few pounds” or worry about being “too old”.
Live and dress for the here and now.
If you have a friend who is struggling with style confidence..Tell her she has great legs, a teeny waist, beautiful skin…whatever applies.
And be a friend to yourself…don’t beat yourself up about your large thighs or flabby belly.
You are beautiful and deserve to look your best.

Having just recently discovered Samantha’s blog I’m glad you featured it here. She has such wonderful style and a great joyful energy.
Thank you so much Suzanne! That really means so much to me. XXX
Oh Samantha. What a wonderful attitude. Your smile and outfits are pretty good too!
She’s fabulous.
Wow! Thank you for that. XXX
Thank you for sharing . I loved her all blue looks- sometimes on line there is SO MUCH STUFF that we miss out on the truly unique.
What a great compliment Lorena. I am chuffed to bits! The cobalt blues are my favourite too…and I have just bought a bargaintastic, blue, wool coat from good-old ebay. I now need Yellow to give it a POP. Thank you so much. XXX
Lovely and wise Samantha!!, love her style and attitude!!
Thank you Monica. XXX
Oh yes, I am on the Samantha fan train too. I love her style and her writing is always a delight providing great advice and humour. She has a contagious winning attitude. Thanks for sharing this profile.
Thank you so much Melanie. Saying that I write with humour is a great compliment, especially coming from you! XXX
I discovered Samantha’s blog a couple of months ago and love her attitude to style….especially the bit about dressing for yourself and celebrating your own uniqueness. She’s like a breathe of fresh air and really funny too. Her authenticity just shines through for all to see and that’s so attractive. 🙂
Thank you Caro, that really means a lot to me. To be thought of as authentic is an enormous compliment. XXX