Ep318: Finding Your New Signature Style

Question: for the last 20 years (since retirement) I have attended a theatrical production several times a week and i wore long flowing dresses, hat and heels. now due to age and tripping, I am restricted to runners and pants. I’m very petite with long torso, a bit of a belly, and very short legs. What suggestions do you have for generating a new ‘signature style’

Ep 314: Stuck on the style rules?

Are you stuck on style rules? don’t believe in rules, I believe in principles and the science behind why something does or doesn’t work, and these are then guidelines or suggestions which you can try on for size, and then decide what does or doesn’t work for you.
You get to be in charge as it means your style aligns with your personality, your lifestyle, your colouring and your unique body.

Ep 302: Personality and Your Style

In This Episode Many years ago (aka 2004) just after I’d completed my image consultant training course and launched my personal styling business, I was out shopping at a local boutique.   I walked in the door and started looking around at what was available, immediately, I as approached by a sales assistant who said “I’ve…

293: Inside Out and Outside In Style

I called my blog Inside Out Style because I’ve found when you align your outside with your personality – who you are on the inside –  you feel your most comfortable and confident.  That said, not every day do we feel like the best version of ourselves which led me to think about Outside In style (and Inside Out style in a different context which I’m discussing here.

Ep 286: Would you rather be underdressed or overdressed | 16 Style Types | Imogen Lamport & Jill Chivers

This is an interesting question as I’ve heard persuasive arguments for both options.  Which would you rather be?  Underdressed or Overdressed? Jill Chivers of 16 Style Types and I discuss this topic in this video.   The Underdressed to Overdressed Continuum and Personality Type This isn’t a black and white question, as really the overdressed…