Michelle’s 7 Steps to Style

  One of my greatest joys is seeing how powerful the work I do is.  The positive impact it has on women’s lives as they discover who they are and learn to express their style in an authentic way that makes them look fabulous and feel great. Here is Michelle’s story in her own words…

Why Courage is the Ingredient You Need To Become More Stylish

Have you ever said to yourself: “I won’t wear a scarf/statement necklace/animal print because I might wear it wrong and will look foolish” “I can’t wear a hat/waistcoat/dress/skirt/pants/cardigan/jacket because I’d feel stupid” Or something along these lines? Why is it that the potential for being wrong or feeling foolish stops us from trying something new…

What to wear working from home

What to Wear When You Work From Home: The New Virtual Reality

In the ever-changing landscape of our lives, personal style undergoes transformations, reflecting shifts in routines and surroundings. Since 2020, the professional realm has embraced the virtual, and the challenge of maintaining a stylish yet comfortable wardrobe has become a shared experience. Recognizing changes in lifestyle and work climate is crucial. It’s more than adapting to…

Welcome to Your Visualise Your Style

Success – You’re In!Get Started with Visualise Your Style I’m so excited that you’ve decided to discover your signature style and have signed up for the Visualise Your Style mini course. Create a vision of your personal brand image using a simple step-by-step process. Get crystal clear as you visualise your personal brand image with…

How Your Clothes Impact Your Confidence Unveiling the Power of Personal Style - personal style can transform your life

How Your Clothes Impact Your Confidence: Unveiling the Power of Personal Style

Imagine if your wardrobe could speak for you without uttering a single word. What would it say about your personality, beliefs, and aspirations? As a seasoned personal stylist and color consultant, I’ve come to understand that our clothing choices have a profound impact on our self-confidence and how we are perceived by others. Watch the…

Welcome to Evolve Your Style!

Success – You’re In!Welcome toEVOLVE YOUR STYLE   Congratulations on taking this step in your style transformation. You’re about to start looking at your style through a whole new lens. And you’ll have me and your fellow Evolvers cheering you on and supporting you the whole way! And one more thing… I want to THANK…