When You're in a Style Rut Because of Body Shape and Size Changes

What to Do When You’re in a Style Rut Because of Body Shape and Size Changes

Reader Question: “I‘m turning 40 this year though I still feel 30 I have an 18 month old baby and I just feel like my style is a huge mum rut since dropping my breastfeeding down to once a day I noticed the weight start to creep in around my tummy and I’ve always been…


Discover Your Personality StyleTake the quiz to discover your core personality dressing style and how it influences all your style choices. Discover Your Personality StyleTake the quiz to discover your core personality dressing style and how it influences all your style choices. Featured inLatest PostsNew to Inside Out Style?It’s the encyclopedia of colour and style…

Personality and your jewellery choices - how to choose jewellery to express your personality

What’s Your Personal Style? Personality and Your Jewellery

Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of personal style and exploring how personality and environment play significant roles in our clothing choices. I had a delightful conversation with Carol Karl who is one of my fabulous 7 Steps to Style sisters and who has a YouTube channel dedicated to all things jewellery.  We discussed…

The Personal Stylist’s Arsenal: Leveraging Science to Revolutionize Your Wardrobe

The Personal Stylist’s Arsenal: Leveraging Science to Revolutionise Your Wardrobe

The concept of possessing an inherent sense of style has often felt elusive to many, myself included. The elusive “style gene” seems out of reach for some of us. However, through my personal style journey, I’ve come to realize that style is not an inherent trait; it’s a science that can be learned. If you…

Chaos to Confidence: 4 Steps to Mastering Your Personal Style

Picture this: you’re a multitasking woman, managing both your family and your career. You stand before your overflowing wardrobe, feeling overwhelmed by choices, and think, “I have nothing to wear that’s comfortable and suitable for work and play.” This scenario resonates with many women who find themselves pulled in multiple directions. It’s not just about…