Sequin boots as part of my personal brand image that is authentic to my style

Inauthentic vs Unfamiliar Style

What’s the difference between inauthentic versus unfamiliar style?  How do you know when something is authentic, just unfamiliar, rather than it being inauthentic? Watch the Video Where I discuss the unfamiliar and the inauthentic (and authentic).   Unfamiliar Style Unfamiliar can be anything you don’t wear frequently.  It can be patterns, colours, styles of clothing,…

Smart casual jeans outfits

How to Reinvent Your Style from Corporate to Casual

Reader Question The challenge is reinventing my style without completely replacing my wardrobe for a distinctly new phase in my life. I’m moving from the corporate world to going back to university as a very mature age student. I want to feel comfortable and self-expressive without either standing out too self-consciously so the clothes are…

Imogen Lamport - personal stylist, helping women discover their style


Meet Imogen Lamport AICI CIP I believe every woman can be stylish when she has the right information and tools that take into account who she is, and how she wants to be perceived. Hi, I’m Imogen Lamport and I help intelligent women define their style and have a wardrobe full of clothes they love…

Evolve Your STyle with a life changing style challenge by Imogen Lamport

Evolve Your Style Testimonials

EVOLVE YOUR STYLETESTIMONIALS See what others have said about the program “I am having fun and have already learned plenty. Your guide and workbook, where I was challenged to examine the image I’d like to project through my clothes was something I’d never done before. And I was able to see the outfits I’d been…