Wardrobe Full of Clothes and Nothing to Wear

  Wardrobe Full of Clothes and Nothing to Wear?With Imogen Lamport from Inside Out StyleWatch the replay now! Download the masterclass workbook here Wardrobe Full of Clothes and Nothing to Wear masterclass Workbook Download the masterclass workbook here Wardrobe Full of Clothes and Nothing to Wear masterclass Workbook We would love to hear from you…

we all make style mistakes and it's completely OK!

We All Make Style Mistakes

I can’t tell you how many time I’ve heard (and if I had a dollar for every time, well I’d have a few dollars) people say to me “I don’t accessorize because I don’t want to make a mistake” or “I can’t wear – INSERT GARMENT/ACCESSORY NAME HERE – because I don’t want – INSERT…

How to Look Stylish Yet Be Comfortable, Practical, Attractive and Interesting - defining your style - pink jacket with embellished jeans

How to Look Stylish Yet Be Comfortable, Practical, Attractive and Interesting

Today, I want to address a question from reader, who seeks guidance on combining practicality, attractiveness, and vibrancy in her outfits. She wonders how to look comfortably stylish, interesting but not crazy, and vibrant without appearing too over the top. While these goals may seem contradictory, I firmly believe that practicality, comfort, and attractiveness are…

What to Wear When You Work in a Corporate Environment But Prefer a Relaxed Dressing Style

What to Wear When You Work in a Corporate Environment But Prefer a Relaxed Dressing Style

If you have a relaxed dressing style how do you still be yourself if you work in a corporate business environment? This is the topic of Jill Chivers of 16 Style Types and my podcast episode. Why are you expected to dress more formally anyway? Rather than consider corporate dress codes as an imposed restriction…

Masterclass | From Ordinary to Inspired

How to Take Your Style from Ordinary to Inspiredso you no longer have a wardrobe full of clothes and nothing to wearFREE MASTERCLASS WEBINAR Learn why the style rules and advice you’ve learned from fashion magazines and influencers are actually myths and are keeping your style stuck.    Discover how to define your personal style…

Style & Wardrobe Tips for Busy Working Mothers

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