Fashion Simplified: Discover the Power of a Personal Colour Palette

Fashion Simplified: Discover the Power of a Personal Colour Palette

Embracing the Art of Simplicity “Too much choice is actually a bad thing; our brains can’t really cope with too much choice. So, sometimes limiting ourselves to a slightly smaller colour palette makes life easier.” Imogen Lamport Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the myriad of choices in your wardrobe, yet found yourself unable to…

changing hair colour changes palettes

How Does Changing Hair Colour Impact on Your Colour Palette?

Does Changing Your Hair Colour Change Your Colour Palette? Reader Question: How does your hair colour affect your palette. For example, if I was to return to my natural dark strawberry blonde/reddy brown colour, would that make me a different palette. I understand that it would affect my contrast but would it mean that I…