How to find your style at any age - particuarly after retirement

Finding Your Style at Any Age: A Guide to Dressing Sharp and Feeling Confident

As we journey through life, our bodies and circumstances change, and sometimes so does our sense of style. I recently had the privilege of hearing from a woman who shared her story of struggle and transformation.  A retired former administrator found herself facing the daunting task of rediscovering her style after battling breast cancer and…

Wear a white shirt and raise awareness for Ovarian cancer research

Wear a White Shirt

Today is White Shirt Day in support of building awareness for the silent killer that is Ovarian Cancer. It hasn’t got the same profile as Breast Cancer and they don’t even have an early detection test yet. Most of the time by the time it’s diagnosed the outcomes are less than favourable. Please buy a…

K is for Knickers - Imogen Lamport's A-Z of Style - foundation garments

K is for Knickers

Today I’m talking knickers, well, not just knickers, but all foundation garments. Like building a house, if the foundations aren’t solid, the house won’t be stable, your underwear has a huge effect on your overall look and how great you will look. Let’s start from the top! Bras Studies show that around 70% of women…

B is for Bras - Imogen Lamport's A-Z of Style - How to fit a bra

B is for Bras

Bras are a really important foundation garment as foundations can make or break how your outfit ends up looking. Why a Well Fitting Bra Matters Correctly fitting bras will: Make your waist look smaller and longer Give your breasts a better shape Give your breasts support Make your clothes look better Not be painful –…