I was asked by one of my 7 Steps to Style members to talk about florals as she was concerned that florals come in so many different forms – in some ways – they are the most varied sort of pattern of all patterns, but they can be seen as old-fashioned or ageing which as someone of a more middle-youth-age she was concerned about.
Floral prints are ones that suit someone who has a more feminine personality style. Because there are so many different versions, they can suit both those with angular features as well as those with curved features (check out this post to understand a little more about choosing prints based on your defining features).
So how do you know if a floral pattern is ageing you?
What makes a floral more ageing? It’s a floral that has an old fashioned look – whether it’s like grandma’s kitchen curtain floral or some old floral wallpaper. These kinds of florals tend to look more conservative and have a more ageing look. You want to look for more stylised prints on the whole.

So smaller florals tend to be the worst offenders such as Liberty print or Little House on the Prarie style prints (which has recently had a resurgence of popularity in the youth market). You will also often see the small more ageing florals in uniforms. Why are that ageing? Because they are old fashioned! They are from a time-period from the far-past. These kinds of prints are widely available at present – you’ll particularly find them in the younger clothing stores (online and in person).

Little House on the Prarie (Liberty Print) style florals are more old-fashioned
Shopping For Modern Florals
Avoid the itty bitty florals and instead, go for something that either looks more artistic in some way – from watercolour style or lino cut (like the navy and white one). More creative looking prints and patterns won’t date as quickly as those that are more of the moment and current fashion trends.
Medium to larger-scale florals are great – and think about the density of the print – remember the tips on choosing a more slimming print (if that’s something you want) – a more dense print with less negative space will be a great camouflage or distraction.
A geometric style floral (like the one 2nd from right at the top of the board above) is another option that even though medium in scale – doesn’t look old fashioned and will suit someone who likes a more orderly print.
Florals come in so many different guises – and you will find some will appeal, other’s won’t. And in the end you want to love the prints you wear – so don’t buy it if you don’t look at it and love it!
If you love the small floral prints but don’t want to look old-fashioned – try mixing prints for a more modern and creative look. Here are some tips on mixing florals with animal prints.
Not sure if florals are for you or which type of florals? Your personality really influences all your style choices and getting this nailed down really helps you decide which are the right prints and patterns (if any) for you, along with your unique physicality. If you want to get the style education that gives you the answers about this and so much more (including which colours make you shine) then jump into my 7 Steps to Style program and start nailing down your style. It’s the education you never got at school, yet one that is going to reap rewards for you every day for the rest of your life.
More Tips on Choosing Floral Patterns
7 Things You Must Consider When Choosing a Flattering Floral Print for You
3 Essential Elements to Choosing Flattering Prints and Patterns