summer wardrobe capsules, column of colour

Creating a Summer Capsule Wardrobe Using a Column of Colour

Hi Imogen, Your northern hemisphere fans need your help. Spring, summer is on it’s way, I’ve searched your incredible archives to find a summer wardrobe capsule featuring your ” column of color” for petites, but alas, I can only find fabulous fall and winter. Please help! It’s getting warm in Southern California. A faithful fan,…

E is for Elongation - Imogen Lamport's A-Z of Style - How to dress taller and slimmer

E is for Elongation

Want to look taller and or slimmer? You are not alone as many of my clients have told me that either or both of these is one of their style goals! As there are many illusion tricks I can teach you, so that you can become your own clothing magician, here you’ll discover how to…