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In This Episode
0.09 The big one for me atm is ageing — I don’t want to give up, any tips?
4.53 My biggest issue with fashion is finding ready-made clothing that fits well enough to wear comfortably & look good. I wear a size 8 jean, but need a 14-16 top to fit the bustline. However, the 14-16 shoulders, neck/sleeve openings, sleeve lengths, etc. are too big to look nice on me.
6.26 How can I combine my feminine style personality with a relaxed lifestyle? I love florals, lace, pink, skirts and dresses, and feminine details, but as a stay at home mom with five kids (including a baby that I’m breastfeeding), I need my clothes to be practical, comfortable, and casual. I also have (I think) medium high value contrast and medium color contrast, so the very low contrast pastel look of many feminine outfits doesn’t work for me. I would appreciate any tips. Thank you!
The Truth about Dressing Stylish while Ageing

What to Look for when You Have Large Bust
3 Steps to Flatter a Large Bust When Wearing a High Neckline
How to Mix Feminine and Relaxed Style
How to Interpret and Choose Prints and Patterns For Your Personality
If You’d Like to Define Your Style and Discover Your Colours
If you’re sick of wasting money on clothes that don’t work and you know there is a better way, then join my 7 Steps to Style program and get the right information for you and your style.
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