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0.08 I would like you to do a video on eye patterns if possible! There isn’t much information on it and I value your opinion! For example, someone who has starburst and freckles is considered warm, but I haven’t fully comprehended if that means autumn or spring (light and bright or soft and muted?). Does eye pattern show your dominant or secondary? What information can we get from eye patterns for our colours and style?
2.32 I’m 74 years old and still live in jeans, tee shirts, tailored shirts, blazers, good shoes and I want to stay in style but not look like I’m trying too hard. I’m very fair and have white hair so I have added more color to my wardrobe instead of my black/navy/white routine to brighten my face. Suggestions?
4.53 How to find the right shoes for elegant chic that are comfortable
Knowing Your Colours
How Do You Figure Out If You’ve Got a Warm or Cool Skin Undertone?

How to be Stylish
How to Create a Stylish Outfit? What Are Your Criteria that Makes it Great?
More about Shoes
If You’d Like to Define Your Style and Discover Your Colours
If you’re sick of wasting money on clothes that don’t work and you know there is a better way, then join my 7 Steps to Style program and get the right information for you and your style.
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