Colour and value contrast are two concepts that readers ask me a lot of questions about and are hot topics in my 7 Steps to Style program (where I give my professional opinion on members colour and value contrasts as part of the program).
To demonstrate just how much of a difference wearing the right colour and value contrasts can make, Jill Chivers of 16 Style Types and I decided to make this video to show you.
You can see in this video just how for Jill (who is colour contrast dominant) wearing colours makes a huge difference to her appearance. For me, putting on the wrong value contrast means that the clothes wear me, rather than me wearing the clothes. It’s amazing just how these little tweaks can make all the difference in looking in harmony with your unique features, or looking out of balance.
Want to figure out your ultimate colour and value contrast? Then download my guide to contrast which will assist you in finding yours.
Thank you so much for this video! I now understand why I need colors in my wardrobe. I have green eyes, reddish hair, pale skin. I’m clearly a highly colored person. No wonder I faded into the walls when wearing all neutrals.
This was so helpful! Thanks for making and sharing this video. I now really understand why I always need a color near my face since I am two neutrals plus a color.
When you see it you suddenly get that colour is important!
I love that you showed us what didn’t work….seeing is believing! Excellent video!