So many women feel that their stomach is a region that they’d rather people didn’t notice. Whether it’s expanded due to childbirth, was never there to start with, or just age and those extra glasses of wine and chocolates have taken their toll.
So here are 7 easy ways to hide your tummy.
1. Shapewear
My advice is to buy a size LARGER than you wear your clothes – there is so much elastic in them they’ll still smooth out the bumps and lumps and hold you in, but you will also be able to breathe, and you won’t get the muffin top or spillage that the smaller size will ensure.
I like the ones that go right up to my bra, that way I can tuck them under my bra and there is no double line under my clothes.

Shapewear is often all I need to make me fell a bit better about my waistline, without giving up the chocs.
2. A Jacket
Jackets are made of a more structured material, that skims past all problem areas. Jackets have more structured shoulders which help the drape of the garment. Jackets usually have darting and seams that create shape, without cling, and also provide nice vertical (ie. slimming) details.
A lighter colour jacket left open over a darker colour top will make your stomach recede and become unnoticeable (I discovered this trick when 7 months pregnant, and people didn’t even notice me being preggers when I was wearing a black top under a light blue jacket.
3. Ruching
This is your best friend on knit tops – if the top doesn’t come with it and it’s a bit long for you, you can easily do it yourself with a needle and thread, just going up the side seam. Ruching hides rolls, and you gotta love that!
4. Don’t belt
Belts draw attention to your stomach area – they don’t create waists where there is none, they just draw unflattering attention. Don’t do it if you haven’t got a slim waist (or that your waist is noticeably slimmer than the rest of your upper body). Also avoid garments that have a waist belted appearance.
5. Tops with Drape
Look for tops that have some looseness and drape around the tummy so they skim over and don’t emphasise it. Pair a loose top with a more fitted bottom so you look proportionally balanced.
6. Don’t tuck
Tucking – like belting, draws unnecessary attention to your waist.
If you have to tuck a voluminous top, either half-tuck to one side, or make sure you blouse the top over the waistband of your bottom.
7. Avoid pockets or any detail near the waist
Pockets on cardigans and jackets draw unflattering horizontals across your wider waist – avoid them, keep it clean and free of detail.
More Tummy Flattering Tips
How to Dress Your Tummy When You have a Caesar Scar or Have Lost Lots of Weight

Great suggestion to get the shapewear one size up. I have a tummy cincher cami and it’s torture! I actually like wearing a waist corset (what are these called?) that hooks up. V sexy and does the trick under those clothes that need flat ab perfection.
Wonderful advice. It seems like you were reading my mind with this post! I like the idea of one size up because I always stop wearing them or ripping them off because they are so tight.
K-line – I tried one of those corset ones on – so uncomfortable and just squeezed everything out below and above it – I just dont have enough of a natural waist to wear the at all – but if it works for you, others should try it on in ths shops.
Andrea – thanks so much for stopping by my blog – I love comments!
Thanks much for the concise list! I’m going to keep it in my purse.
Thanks Marija – glad you’re finding it useful, and I appreciate your comment.
The tip on the shape wear is a fantastic one. I always dread wearing the shape wear I have as I am certain to feel like my inner organs are being rearranged.
Great tips! Where did you find that purple/black jacket (the one that looks like it’s been dip dyed)….it’s gorgeous!
La Belette – it’s even worth trying on 2 sizes up – most of the time we just want a smoother look rather than losing a dress size – and then it doesn’t take you 5 minutes to go to get it off to go to the loo.
Mammabee – thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment – the purple jacket is from Nordstrom (all the pics used in this post were from Nordstrom), check the ‘plus size’ section on their website (link at bottom of post).
I have my "big girl panties"–i.e. underwear that goes up to my ribs. It holds me flat, but makes me feel so ugly underneath!
I love that D&G top!!! You know I want it! I find I do okay with a waistband if it is high enough, and also if I tuck a slightly looser blouse in. This helps make a waistline. I like trench coats as I can tie the tie really tight and have a great little waistline!
I am a cult follower! Thank you for this post– just what I need right now nearly six months post baby and still packing on a few extra pounds.
I’m just finding your blog and trying to find my own style after about 16 years of faltering in dowdyville. Thanks for the great tips. I’m slowly reading my way through the older posts.
Hmmm. I have a tummy and everything I read steers me toward empire waists. But, I'm also long waisted and, as such, have also been told to avoid empire waists. Oh, the dilemma!
S – have you tried an empire waist? They can work with longer waists. Depends on the rest of your proportions and shape.
My waist has disappeared, and I’ve noticed that belts add bulk; but my thighs are also much larger than my waist, so I often need something to keep my pants from falling. Is there a way to work around both?
Ashley – you need to take the waistbands of your pants in – take them to an alterations person and they’ll get them to fit right – not need for belts!
I have tummy and want some shaping thing to hide it. But there are so many options available in the internet. i am really confused which one will work better. As I am going to use it first time and I dont have any idea of it. I just want the tummy shaper. not thigs or bumps.. Please suggest.
I prefer the shapewear tank tops https://insideoutstyleblog.com/2009/11/my-favourite-shapewear-tanks.html
Great article
I’m short and as I’ve aged my midriff has become protruded. The tops I’m wearing seem to accentuate it. I’ve always avoided empire waistlines because I’m large busted also. What do you suggest?
Try tops that are not tight that have a bit more space – slight flared shape to help drape over your curves.
I have a protruding tummy it is so really starting to effect me, I have a 4 caesarean the last was the birth of my twins then a hysterectomy so my tummy is well and truly gone, I have had some meshing done but now look about 7 month pregnant side on as my interal organs are falling forward, please help me I am so sick of people asking me how far along I am and seeing people stare at my stomach I am tall and from front and back are happy but side on is destroying me i have shape wear, camie nothing seems to work I am about a14-16 but my tummy is about 18-20… any help from anyone would make my day
This can be tricky to hide if it’s really out of proportion to the rest of your body – and sadly it’s only surgery that will fix it. Have alook at these posts https://insideoutstyleblog.com/2013/05/how-to-dress-your-tummy-when-you-have-a-caesar-scar-or-have-lost-lots-of-weight.html https://insideoutstyleblog.com/2014/02/choosing-prints-to-disguise-your-tummy.html https://insideoutstyleblog.com/2018/03/where-to-end-tops-to-make-your-hips-and-tummy-look-slimmer.html https://insideoutstyleblog.com/2012/02/how-to-flatter-a-protruding-stomach.html https://insideoutstyleblog.com/2012/11/how-to-make-your-tummy-look-slimme.html for some extra tips