“Style is a journey, not a destination.”

What is Style?

Style is a journey, not a destination. Click To Tweet It’s a journey that you progress through your entire life. What is stylish on an 10 year old is not stylish on a 20 year old. Your personality develops and changes. You grow, learn and evolve, as should your style too. Style is not one-size-fits-all…

Unlocking Fashion Freedom: Age and Height Should Never Limit Your Style

Do you ever feel limited by your age or height when it comes to fashion? Age and height are just numbers, not fashion sentences. While the fashion industry might skew towards the younger and taller demographic, there’s no rule stating that age dictates your style choices. So, let’s banish the notion that you’re confined to…

Top 25 Posts of 2012

Firstly, I just want to say a sincere thank you to all my lovely readers, I appreciate each and every one of you. I love getting your comments and questions – they are the reason I keep blogging. Going through my Google analytics, I thought I’d share the content that was most read during the…