2017 is at a close so I thought I’d look back over the past year and see which blog posts were the most read and most commented upon and share them again – just in case you missed them.
Most Read Blog Posts of 2017
How Many Clothes Do You Really Need in Your Wardrobe?
How many clothes do you need in your wardrobe? This is a question I’m regularly asked – as if I can provide a magical list that is perfect for everyone, even though you may have a different lifestyle, type of work, social life etc. that will influence your choices. If you prefer having more options versus less is another factor (and this is something that comes from the inside of you). In this post, I discuss what you need to think about to figure out for yourself just how many clothes you need in your closet.

Where Celebrities Go Right and Wrong with Their Contrast
Colour and value contrast are always topics of great interest here on the blog and often it’s easier to come to an understanding when you can see examples of others wearing their ideal contrast as well as something that just doesn’t sit quite right as it gives you an opportunity to compare and see the good from the not so good. Contrast is one of those aspects of style that can often make or break an outfit. This is why the outfit may look fabulous on a mannequin but not quite right on you.
What is a Hip Dip Anyway?
What are these hip dips (otherwise known as violin hips) and what to wear when you have them. To tell you the truth, they are part of a totally normal body and many women have them, just like some of us have longer legs, or shorter necks, some have hip dips. Discover what to wear when you have them in this post.
What Are Colour and Value Contrast
Want to look truly great in your outfits? Then getting your colour and value contrast right can make the difference between good and great. In this celebrity version, you can see the difference in outfits with different contrasts, and see when it works and when it doesn’t. Interestingly this was also one of my most commented upon blog posts this past year!
Getting Your Head Around Value and Contrast – the Celebrity Version
Which Colours to Wear this Winter
Colour trends and mixing colours is always something of interest. When a new colour pops up in stores, many are a little hesitant about if it suits, and then how to mix those colours together. So each season I put together an easy guide to show some of the trend colours you’ll see in stores and how to combine them.
Creating Outfits with Pantone Autumn/Winter 2017 Colour Trends
Now Onto My Most Commented Upon Blog Posts for 2017
10 Things Your Hate Makes me Grateful For
The online world is sadly full of negative and sometimes quite abusive comments. Computers can make people feel that they are anonymous and so it’s easy to drop a negative or hateful comment, as if the person who they are abusing will never see or read (or they are hoping to hurt, to somewhow make themselves feel better by bringing others down). In 2017 I decided that my word of the year was Grateful – and so I was inspired to write a post on how to turn the negative into a positive. You too can use this to turn any sort of bullying or negativity into something that allows you room for growth.
Why do my t-shirts get holes in the bottom
I’ve seen over and over little holes around the hem of many knit tops, and see way too many mothballs (now illegal in many countries as there is a link with cot-death to it) in wardrobes trying to stop the little moths from eating those holes. Yet why are the moths only eating holes in all your tops in the same spot? Well, I have found the answer!
Lifting my Style Game: A Daily Outfit Photo Experience
I asked Jill Chivers to take some outfit posts to accompany our blog post on layering, and what resulted was that I also ended up asking her to write a blog post about her experience of taking those daily outfit photos as we’d had a conversation where she talked about how impactful the experience had been on her own style.
Stylish Thoughts – the Vintage Contessa
I love discovering more about the women who I approach to interview for my Stylish Thoughts blog posts series. I think it’s really important to get a wide view of style as it also gives us a much wider appreciation of our differences as well as any similarities. Being able to appreciate styles beyond your own also helps you have a better acceptance of your own body and self-image. It helps you appreciate that you are unique and beautiful in your own way and that there are many ways to be stylish. The Vintage Contessa has been the one that has had you all most entranced.
Value and Contrast with Darker Skin Tones – The Celebrity Version
I’m a white woman who lives in Australia, mostly surrounded by other pale skinned people (from Europe and South East Asia) and so for me I may miss thinking about colour issues for those with darker complexions (just as I am right handed and don’t spend my day thinking about what it would be like to be left-handed). I was asked to write a ‘celebrity’ post on some dark-skinned celebrities (mostly from either an African or Indian heritage) to help those of you who do have darker skins to understand more fully your own ideal value and contrasts.
Value and Contrast with Darker Skin Tones – the Celebrity Version
I’d love to know what your favourite posts have been this past year? Which are the ones that have really impacted upon your style?

This was a delicious review of some truly fascinating work. Your color and value contrast posts always get my attention— mainstream style sources basically NEVER talk about value/color contrast, and it makes such a difference!
Thank you, Imogen.
Will enjoy reading these again! Thank you for all the great work you do. Here’s to a fabulous New Year for yourself and all your readers!