After a year of doing the Evolve Your Style challenge (which is really only 31 days, but you can repeat and do extended challenges if you wish), Ruth Crofts, an English Image Consultant shares her thoughts and some photos about how her style has changed.
Experimenting with Colour Combinations
The outfits are made of new colour combinations I had rarely considered wearing before and yet have become new favourites.
2 parts of a triad – green and violet.
Analogous – red and violet (purple/plum)
2 parts of a triad – blue and navy
Layering Textures
One of the things I have become so much more aware of since doing Evolve Your Style is the importance of texture in an outfit.
These pictures demonstrate how it has been considered and included in an outfit.
Finding the right texture for your hair and skin
Layering Necklaces
I loved this and it was something I had not done before. I am now a convert to the belle epoque look.
Wearing multiple necklaces
You may also find this post useful.
Let’s talk shoes
Here Ruth shares where the shoes worked more appropriately with the outfits.
Here are some tips on 6 ways to choose shoes to go with your outfit.
- the brown pinstripes and white linen outfit: the sandals pick up the colour of the jacket and scarf, and the straps echo the pinstripes in the jacket and the sandal is a summer shoe to go with the summer linens of the jacket and trousers.
- navy trousers and jacket and yellow shoe: the yellow shoes top and tail the outfit with the yellow scarf and they add contrast to the navy colour.
- The white skirt with yellow jacket. the navy shoes pick out the navy in the striped t-shirt and add height to the wearer so the skirt length doesn’t look frumpy. the picture in the previous email of the same skirt with completely flat shoes shows how this length skirt and flat shoes make my legs look stocky but adding a small hell takes away this effect.
- The plum shoes work with the black fishnets and echo the plum in the furry scarf and tweed skirt.
- The black heels are quite a sexy shoe and work with the black pencil skirt and animal print blouse as they are all of the same style personality.
- The green patent heels work as they are part of a monochrome palate of greens and add another texture to the outfit.
- the navy outfit with green scarf has navy boots to work as an elongation effect on the leg.
Ruth has also written a comprehensive review of her experiences doing the EYS challenges.
If you have done the Evolve Your Style challenge – what are the things you’ve changed about your style?
It was fun to see Ruth’s style evolution and putting into practice all the great advice provided so graciously by Imogen. I did participate in EYS but not as completely as I should have for results. I am now part of the 7 Steps to Style course and am really trying to make this program work for me. One of my problems is a rather limited wardrobe and a tendency to wear mainly black and some grey.
I did the EYS challenge and I now wear more colour in my outfits, even coloured shoes and bags. I also wear more jewellery, multiple necklaces and bracelets/bangles. I now apply more make-up and the lipstick I bought for the bright shade challenge is now my go-to and I even consider it ‘nude’. My attitude towards shopping also changed, I am more discriminating towards what I take home, but I tend to visit second-hand and consignment stores more often than I used to.
Rebecca, your black and grey is my navy. I also use green a lot too. A limited wardrobe is not always a bad thing as long as the items work together and you love what you have. Looking forward to seeing your style evolution too
I have enjoyed observing and learning from the fabulous, Ruth Essex. After she embarked on her style journey her insights underscored how fluid the notion is of finding one’s personal style. Her journey has been a delight for those of us fortunate to travel with her and we have benefitted from her discoveries, analysis, and reflections. Bravo, Ruth…thank you for your PEARLS of wisdom!