134: Colour and Style Q&A: Tips on finding the flattering clothes for your body shape, layers, and wearing cardigan.

I don’t feel comfortable in the clothes and styles I think I like. I’m drawn to classic, preppy styles but feel frumpy in htme. I end up wearing more girly styles – why?
I struggle with layering – any tips?
I’ve got an O shape and carry most weight in belly and shoulders – I recently bought a ribbed cardigan that creates a V shape through the body – is this good for me?

132: Colour and Style Q&A: How do you get your own taste in clothing to offer helpful advice to others? Do muted colours on sheen fabrics read as lighter or darker? Can you define mental and emotional comfort of clothing?

How do you get your own taste in clothing to offer helpful advice to others? How can you distinguish personal preference from style faux pas?
Do muted colours on sheen fabrics read as lighter or darker? Will they advance or recede?
Can you define mental and emotional comfort of clothing? What are the signs something is not for you? Why is it that women are often so reticient at turning up the volume with their style when that’s why they seem to need the most?

131: Colour and Style Q&A: I’m an introvert yet love bright colours, red is my favourite and I hate neutrals – it seems there is a disconnect? – what suggestions do you have for me? What are Navy colours? How do you know if your choosing clothes are flattering or not when retiring?

It seems to me there is a disconnect between my personality and my love of bright colours – what suggestions do you have for me?
Talk to me about Navy – they look really close, how do I tell them apart?
I am retired and my clothes are casual and I have so many. I like to keep half of the amount – how do you know if your choosing clothes are flattering or not?

128: Colour and Style Q&A: Elegant chic, Hips, and Fabrics

I like Elegant Chic as polished and poised suits me – but I have a casual lifestyle – how can I work with my Opulent palette and have ease in my clothes but capture some elegant chic style on a budgetI have small shoulders and big hips and find that my tops never fit around my hips – what to do?
I love my clothes to be wash and wear but I hate polyester as it doesn’t breathe – what are my choices for fabrics to look for?

123: Colour and Style Q&A: Tips on how to dress your body to flatter your features and selecting the right hairstyle.

A curved hem is good to flatter a belly – how do you know how curved and how high or low the front and sides should be?
Short torso with long legs – but large booty, belly and boobs – I find dressing my tops really difficult
My hair is bright white at the front however the back is ashy blonde and white My inclination is to dress for the front of my hair and not worry about the back. Is this a mistake?

68: Colour and Style Q&A: How do I Make New Outfits from my Existing Wardrobe?, What to Wear when Work Style is Different?, How to Get the Proportions Right between Top and Bottom?

0.08 How do I make new outfits from my existing wardrobe? I always end up wearing the same outfits over and over again
10.39 What to wear when your works style has to be very different from your personal style?
15.00 How to get the proportions right between top and bottom when wearing shorts and a top in summer?